As soon as the sun rises tomorrow im gonna run down to the store, pick up my copy, blend it up into a fine liquid, and inject it straight into my bloodstream and enjoy the gory gaming goodness!
The_Exculpator's forum posts
Well right now I am converting a a small file that is 172 MB. It takingthat 30-40 mins.fartranger
thats normal. I have to wait for an hour for files larger than 200mb
Hey guys, just reading my copy of T3 and theres this huge feature on the new and CONFIRMED ps3 slim and lite!
Its like 30% thinner and lighter im still reading it ill try and scan some pages at a E-Cafe later and show you guys, try googling it. It looks sexy as hell!
Have you read the review yet on IGN? If not go read it NOW :
I always knew this would be brilliant, i absolutely adored locoroco and this title seems to be its spiritual successor, cant wait to pick up my copy! :D
...then the world will implode
but i seriously predict GS subtracting points from the score because "the nudey mags dont have enough pics in them" or something stupid like that...which would be a shame
back on topic:
Reasonable thing to do: Talk about it, find out why the hell she thought it was a goodidea to break someone else's stuff, if you can't work it out move a new psp, then a new girlfriend.
Unreasonable (but im sure you would like to) thing to do: Break every bone in her body so that she makes a clicking noise too when she moves.
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