[QUOTE="The_Gimp07"] Yeah let me clear a few things up . I meant from the begining that you DON'T want the PS3 version. It will not be as good as the GRAW2 on 360 with Live.
And anyone that even says GRAW is no good. Is to not be considered as credible at all. Because GRAW2 on 360 on Live OWNZ any anyone who has it KNOWS THIS.
So my point was Sony better come with there A game very hard becuase Socom is not on the level of GRAW on 360. And if they want to be close they better get it together.
OK, Gimp, but you'd better go back and edit your original statement where you said that "based on past installments, the PS3 version is what you want" (or something to that effect). To me, that clearly sounds like you think the PS3 version is the one to get.
The only things that I wish were in GRAW2 are an option for melee attacks and better "kill" animations. The game really sucks when you get up-close against an enemy. Luckily, these instances are few and far between, but they still happen and the game falters when they do. Call me spoiled (by Gears), but it'd be cool to see something more than a guy fall over when you pop him in the head with a snipe. Still, these are minor gripes. The game rocks.
Yes i will edit the post. But as we all know Any GRAW so far on any Sony system has been trash. So the sony guys really have no idea how great it is becuase it's always an amazing game on the Xbox systems.
And yes i can see what you say about up close well this is a tactical shooter not a in your face shooter like Gears.
But let me tell you about something that i did and it was SICK. Ok i sniped an enemy from way out. And i hit him with a chest shot well as he was falling over dead. I hit him again still looking through my scope with a head shot and blood splatter came out the side of his head. I was like BOOM long range chest shot kill and as he's going down i ripped off another single shot to his head it was sick watching this long range through my scope it was AWSOME.
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