huh, i've always had heineken from the tap, so idk. is it obvious when a beer is skunked?
From the tap you are fine unless you sit your glass in the sun too long which will allow the hope to react to the UV light. Either way though, its still not a worthy beer. Bland/yellow/fizzy just like every other industrial lager. This guy knows what he's saying. I tried different beers because of him.. and the quality stuff isn't the mainstream stuff lol.
This isn't a big deal. He obviously had a good reason, otherwise he wouldn't have done it. Anytime you see a one-sided, out of context videos of some so-called "police brutality" or "rights violations", it's usually because they have no other choice and have been driven to take those actions. The liberals who wine about civil liberties and demonize police are so full of shit. Who are all you whiners going to call when you have a problem? We need to respect and love the police no matter how many videos like this come to light, because they're the ones risking their lives for us. We have way too much freedom and this it leads to whiners and ungrateful hippies. This woman should feel thankful she lives in a country with the rule of law. Show some gratitude!Rhazakna
Honestly. I think we need to start laying down extremely harsh laws on cops who abuse their power.. When cops do bad stuff, everyone kind of looks the other way... and I'm talking jail time.. I think both people and cops are the problem.. both need a fixing.
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