Nope. In fact, the exact opposite. I constantly surprise myself. Me keeping away from relationships, marriage and kids seem to be why... I just focus on family, my goals, my health, ect.. The things that really matter to me. I went through a huge phase where I really dug deep into my mind ( can't talk too much about this or I get suspended ), and really figured who I was as a person.. and got comfortable with all my subjective flaws.. and it was some of the best moments of my life that still resonates now.
The_Lipscomb's forum posts
5.9 is short? What? I'm 5.9 and a half.. and I hardly ever think about my height or notice differences.. You must be really insecure.. that's your main issue. Stop whining and get over it.
I have no idea. Honestly life is so damn great right now.. So I'm just living in the present and not overthinking the future.
It's true, and don't use logic with the law. The problem is marijuana causes hallucinogenics, tobacco and alcohol do not.
Turns you into a dummy quicker.
"Marijuana causes hallucinogenics." :lol: wut
A HALLUCINOGENis a drug that induces HALLUCINATIONS. Even after clearing that up, your post is still utter nonsense. Marijuana does NOT induce hallucinations, not unless combined with another drug like acid or mushrooms, in which case it can accentuate the visuals. How do I know this, you ask? Personal experience. Don't believe everything you read online kiddos.
Seriously.. Once you do clean LSD.. you realize how damn mild weed.. Even on high amounts. Sure it can change your mindset.. but that's a good thing for most people.. Makes them sit down camly and think hard about themselves.. We need more of that.[QUOTE="psn8214"]
It's true, and don't use logic with the law. The problem is marijuana causes hallucinogenics, tobacco and alcohol do not.
Turns you into a dummy quicker.
"Marijuana causes hallucinogenics." :lol: wut
A HALLUCINOGENis a drug that induces HALLUCINATIONS. Even after clearing that up, your post is still utter nonsense. Marijuana does NOT induce hallucinations, not unless combined with another drug like acid or mushrooms, in which case it can accentuate the visuals. How do I know this, you ask? Personal experience. Don't believe everything you read online kiddos.
Yes, people can have panic attacks, anxiety, derealization and it causes schizophrenia; whether you want to believe the medical sciences is a different story. Oh my bad wording - it causes you to lose touch with reality. I used the suffix incorrectly.You also don't take into account not all side effects are the same for every individual. I take in over 6 grams of testosterone in two months and my mood isn't affected like the majoirty of users.
Also I am correct - it can still be classifed as a mild hallucinogenic as it alters the state of mind of some individuals.
Hallucinating on weed? What? Just makes you stay put and fall asleep if you oversmoke... now .. LSD on the other hand.. That shit will make you hallucinate.[QUOTE="junglist101"]What about replacing paper and nylon with hemp? Why they considered Marijuana as a class A drug is beyond me. Along with many other drugs.The legalization of pot is going to be a long battle. The government has billion of dollars invested in enforcement of marijuana laws with agents around the globe. There would literally be thousands of law enforcement and correctional officers out of work if marijuana was legalized. Money over morality. Business as usual in the USA.
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