[QUOTE="airshocker"]:lol: So you would not play an amazing game for the fact that the main character is a female? He never said he would not play a female character based game, he said he doesn't like to play female characters. Read more closely.I can understand where she's coming from. If she doesn't enjoy playing male characters, don't play the game. It's as simple as that. I don't like playing female characters either.
The_Lipscomb's forum posts
All governments are bad. You need these people, but they will always become corrupt dickwads. Basic psychology shows that when people are put into authority positions, almost always, there's going to be a huge chunk that takes their authority too far.Â
I'll give you a couple of straight honest answers.
1. Your politicians are bought and payed for (not saying my countries politicians aren't), those who lobby have a bigger voice than you do.
2. Your media is highly disingenuous, fox news..etc and a lot of you watch it and are highly influenced by it, thus leading you to form irrational decisions like the NSA scandal, instead of focusing the deal on the NSA it is focused on Snowden, a man that is in my opinion an american patriot and brother that does it in the name of true freedom for you and the whole world.
3. Bush started two wars, one was based on a lie.
4. Obama promised to fix bush's errors but instead continued to expand on them.
5. You prefer more "security" and less privacy which is heart breaking.
Why should i care?
I care about you actually, being free as human beings, free from being lied to and manipulated, because if you don't change the continuous ass fluffing that your government is doing to you and the rest of the world, then s*** is just going to get worse.
I like you as a people, i've visited numerous times and have always been greeted by friendly outgoing people, i like your music and movies and general culture, i just don't like your crooked ass politicians that only serve their own interests.
Uh, I want the character to be whatever the developers feel is real and will work best. If they feel male characters will continue being better for their story in mind, then so be it. People whine about the most stupid shit.
[QUOTE="limpbizkit818"][QUOTE="whipassmt"] I guess he's willing to make half-white babies though. Not that Asians haven't committed their fair share of atrocities.LaihendiI guess so. Can't make this stuff up. I think it would be better if he did not reproduce at all. Probably a good idea for most people.
I only feel bad for those who are alive now that had to go through that awful discrimination between 1900-1975, or those who are still facing racisim in their daily lives in 2013, which should not be happening anymore, but it does.
Being a user now for 2-3 months I noticed that it's kind of not worth trying to have a rational discussion with people on this site. All it seems to be are people just aiming to insult people because of their own insecurities.. Or have such a concreate mindset, that they could have full proof evidence on something, and still wont listen.. and there's the occasional troll.. Which is better because sometimes it's funny.
What do you guys think? Seems like a waste of time debating here.. The threads involving non agrumentive type of topics seems the best to me.
When I'm baked the creativity of my food will usually always surprise me. The only time I really munch.. Which is rare.. Other than that I eat 3-4 normal meals and nothing inbetween except water.
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