While your fat mom is trying to lose the floatboat..why dont you go outside? Dont 13 year old kids play outside anymore? Or do they just sit in corners waiting for their mothers to let them on the consoles? No wonder you kids shoot up schools, hang yourselves, and whine all day long with the internet goes down.
Ratchet has nice visuals but the game play is very repetitve and boring.. If you are a kid you will enjoy it. If you have a cable online connection I'd go with COD4..singleplayer is cool and online is awesome.
Ratchet isnt worth 60 bucks.. Avoid the kids on here who convince dumb mommy or dumb daddy to put cash down on junk.
I've got 2 I dont play and am not stupid enough to go and trade them at Gamestop. Will Walmart take them or do i need to figure out a way to shrinkwrap the case?
Your jealousof my SkillZ because Iput 0wnagedown on you if I could record. My mom paid money not chickens forthis game so I wantto playwithout going outside. Weekend is 2days only duh!!! Iwanna play so I canthink at school about more 0wange.
Iam lvl1 and killed lots through ownaged and gotlvl 5 but went to poop and turned off systemandnowback and when loggeded backin lvl 1! How come! I spent40hours to lvl 5 and now 0WNAGEd of players not recording and back to lvl1! I toldmy momto return game backbecause my 0WNAGE not recording but mom says to go outside but I dont likeoutside because its sunny.
I 0wnage in C0D4 butnot if my record is 1and so much time I lost if Ididnot poop. Please help me getmy 0wnageback so Ican play without going outside! Iam 14 so I dontwork formoney and outside its to sunnyso I stuck at home.
My qustion is this. WHERE ARE ALL THE SWORD GAMES?
KZ2? The first 1 sucked. I didnt know you already played the 2nd one to say its going to be good. Other then uncharted..the others haven't come out so they may very well be crap which Im guessing they will be.
As for Uncharted.. Not worth 60 bucks but I will pick it up on Ebay in a month or so for 30.
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