I like both game series, but if I'm only buying one system which one is worth getting for the exclusive? I'm not a fan of JRPGS so don't talk to me about Final Fantasy. There are rumors that MGS4 may eventually show up on the 360, but if the PS3 picks up steam this year that probably won't happen. Thoughts anyone?
I recently moved and no longer have the wi-fi access I used to have for my wii. I'm wondering wether it would be better for me to simply buy my own router or a wi-fi usb attachment. The reviews on the Nintendo Wi-fi usb seem mixed. Is there any particular brand of router or usb someone recommends? I have 1 roommate in my apartment and I'm the only one with a computer so it's not like I'd be setting this up for anyone else. I may buy another game console down the road, but as of right now that would be the only reason I could see for buying a router as my apartment has 3 ethernet connections.
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