fanboys of any system are just so because they cannot afford the other consoles.
I mean, yeah, you can prefer one console over another - that is fine. But the people who whine until their faces are blue about which console is better are only trying to defend their meager 1-system purchase. Either enjoy your system, trade it in, or buy and enjoy all of them (true gamers, sign here).
I own a ps3 and xbox 360. I love them both, and own both for the exclusives for each. whenever a multiplat comes out, i buy the better version. I do admit i dislike MS, but when it comes to games, i just buy what pleases my gaming tastes (and right now, MS is doing that more than sony for me. However, I think sony will end up delivering a better experience in the end). No need to bash/hate on something for no reason.
This is about the mostUSEFULL comment i have heard. Do you ever notice that its always the 360 fans that diss the Ps3, not the other way round? The only reson they do this is because there jelous that they cant get a PS3 because it costs too much. I have a PS3 and a Wii which i bought in Australia might i add (at $999 and $400). I dont hate the 360 but i will prolly never get one!
PSN id: goof1112
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