will they, its pretty bad and unfair. Makes me wanna trade it in, but the game is too good, i jus wish skill could be displayed on their instead of quitters and cheaters. They can't release a patch like street fighter or something?
The_Unknown_B's forum posts
I've decide i need a new gamertag because I can't remember my old one, and I have a PS3 and an Xbox360 so I like for them to coordinate for some reason. its been tuff for me but I came up with
- The Legend of B
- A Man Named B 2k0
thats all i got and wonder if anyone esle can help me aroundthese concept or i jus wanna hear ppls opinions. thank you for ur time y'all
Change the account passwords to something elaborate that even you won't be able to remember for long. Delete all information from the HDD's of each console. Done.RandolphScott
but will this free up the names again?
I want mines to go away, so it wont exist online anymore and other can claim the name. I was wondering do I have to call or this can never be done.
I wanna buy the game but I heard how bad and cheap the online is as far as drop, rules, and records. I was wondering if these problems were addressed yet?
I mean the guy virtually has no weakness, they made him super fast were he beats the like of cammy and chun li, his frame after moves allow him to recover quickly and block attacks, and he is terrible strong. I mean what is his knock or weakness that he is ugly as sin, c'mon capcom showed this beast too much love, way too much. N he is running me ragged
I'm generally sick of online gaming. SFIV, All-pro football, madden, VF5, NBA 2k its all killing me. I know the general reaction from most of you is I should practice or get better but I just don't have the time for that sort of thing, I have school, a girl, a frat club, martial arts training and the gym, i try to relax playing the game but it is highly annoying when someone is using the same spamming combo ( ex. akuma ex jumping fire ball, u block they grab u, or zangriefs spamming light low punch or bashing fist that you block and leads to a cyclone piledriver). Or the damn invincible route in all pro (the out route) that no matter how much football knowledge you have u can't beat (most guys that played knows cover 2 takes away the corners of the field of the sidelines however the developers are cluesless) madden! i'm not gonna say anything. Like I said I know people are going to tell me to practice but I learned that i am not a hardcore gamer. I learned what the hardcore crowd is like and I jus can't imagine...playing a game for like it is a sport, dedicating hoursa day to get better and finding exploits in games, i jus don't have the time. I guess im too causual for that, i jus can't sit there and play a game for 6 plus hours a day i have too much stuff to manage on the side. anyone on my same boat send me an invite at B_The_Battousai (PS3) and X Profile (Xbox 360).
I'm generally sick of online gaming. SFIV, All-pro football, madden, VF5, NBA 2k its all killing me. I know the general reaction from most of you is I should practice or get better but I just don't have the time for that sort of thing, I have school, a girl, a frat club, martial arts training and the gym, i try to relax playing the game but it is highly annoying when someone is using the same spamming combo ( ex. akuma ex jumping fire ball, u block they grab u, or zangriefs spamming light low punch or bashing fist that you block and leads to a cyclone piledriver). Or the damn invincible route in all pro (the out route) that no matter how much football knowledge you have u can't beat (most guys that played knows cover 2 takes away the corners of the field of the sidelines however the developers are cluesless) madden! i'm not gonna say anything. Like I said I know people are going to tell me to practice but I learned that i am not a hardcore gamer. I learned what the hardcore crowd is like and I jus can't imagine...playing a game for like it is a sport, dedicating hoursa day to get better and finding exploits in games, i jus don't have the time. I guess im too causual for that, i jus can't sit there and play a game for 6 plus hours a day i have too much stuff to manage on the side. anyone on my same boat send me an invite at B_The_Battousai (PS3) and X Profile (Xbox 360).
I need a place to go without being flamed, and banned. I have had a bad experience with online gamers, and went to a gaming convention because my girl works near a best buy acrossed the street. i decided to check it and was appualed by what I seen. I need somewhere to go to let these emotions out, there has to be somewhere were I can vent and even if i offend ppl not be banished or flamed.
[QUOTE="The_Unknown_B"][QUOTE="NaughtyRag"] the xbox sales are still better.. and the wii which was projected (when it was announced) to not do good.. but that is not the case, the wii is dominating the market pretty much out selling the ps3 and xbox combined.. if sony doesn't lower the price to boost sales and get over the hump,.. it is well projected that sony will just abandon.. NaughtyRag
Sony not going out of business, they aren't jus a gaming company and they are making profits from other things they are marketing such as TV's and cameras. They've been in this business a long time, and every company has their slumps. This is a recession and the PS3 isn't going to kill them because they recovered from much worse (Beta-Max). Besides maybe a price drop will happen and the exclusives for this system keep getting better and better. Your just a pessimistic and cynical.
well if you read articles and saw the sales you would see.. i never said sony is going out of business, but they aren't going to keep a product that is making them lose tons of money.. if they don't make money soon it is highly PROJECTED that they will drop the ps3.. and since they tried dropping the price by getting rid of one of the selling points backwards compatibility - that failed.. then they were hoping exclusives would move consoles which it didn't.. the only card they have left is reducing the price by $100.. a card that they should have played a while ago.. blu-ray isn't selling the system since cheap blu-ray players can be found, the ps3 is out of options..that is true, but gaming business is much more "unethical" then practial business. The only reason why the dreamcast went away because sega did a lot of bad dealings that pluck them way over the hole. Sony isn't in as bad of shape as the dreamcast was, the system is still steadily moving month by month and you can't jus count N.America either, its doing well practically all over the world but here. If sony had a better marketing stragey things would probably be better. I own the Xbox and PS3, but i can say i paid more for the xbox(334$ system, $100 wi fi, 50$ internet to play, 20$ batteries, and 10$ bucks for a charger.) if sony would market these thing to the public i dont know it well help but i feel it will justify the price. Cutting the cost would be good for us, but bad for business. by the way im on my 3rd Xbox, that broken system is most likely why consoles for the xbox are being moved.
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