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TheoKratos Blog

I have no title for this...

I am kinda... bored right now...

I dont want to write nothing in my blog... :P

yep... about you guys ask me something?

Go ahead! :D

ask me something and ill try to answer the best way I can.

Am I famous or what?

w000t!!!! 95 friends!!! I´m famous!!!!! Thank you all my friends!!!So, in this blog post I wanna see 95 comments!!!:wink:

And guess what? level 13, toobin`!!! :lol: 1000 posts!!!! :lol: My union has 60 members!!!! :lol::lol::lol:

wow, this is great...

Well, see ya around

and dont forget!!! I want to see 95 comments here!!! :lol:

5 months on gamespot

WOHOOOO!!! ok, it´s not today, it was in 15 August but I forgot sooo...

THE PARTY IT´S TODAY!!! :lol::lol::lol: LET´s brake something!!! yeahh!!! party in my house!!!

:lol: jk...

now seriously, in the 15 th of August i´ve made 5 months in GS, isn´t that cool? yeah...

now the news...

I have 700 forum posts!! :D

I am lvl 12 with 64%



my request page

Well, I have my request page! :D:D:D If you want to request something go here and please note that I only do banners, tags and sigs :D:Dbut  I have no much requests...:( I´m sure that soon I will have :D

and btw, I´ve invited fletcher, delol, lusitanogamer and X_gladiator to be the charter members in my union(Dark_Psych0, enter in the union and I make you officer, X_gladiator is my st**id cousin and he´s never online...)

Hasta La vista babys! (this wasnt my idea...:roll: )


new things...

*I am lvl 12 and I have reached to 500 posts :D now just more 500 to 1000!!

**I have a new banner and a new icon! (the icon isn´t ready yet but maybe tomorrow, who knows?) oh and by the way... the other icon is soo boring... it´s just a slime jumping around... I will miss you slime... :(

*** I´m  loving work with photoshop CS2, (i´ve made my  banner!) and I have my very own gallery! check it out! and feel free to post comments!

****I want to make a new blog header but I haven´t any ideas.... Do ya have some?

***** I don´t accept more union requests , every day when I come to gamespot I have 1-5 P.M.s inviting me to some unions... That´s a lil bit boring :(

****** I´m gonna create my union. name: It´s all about Off-Topic. what do ya think? oh, and I need 4 officer, if you want to be one say me something!

Well, until next time See ya! (this is getting boring too... ok I´m not gonna write this anymore... but what should I write to end my blog posts?)

help me choosing

Hi guys! I´ve made a new banner, but i´ve made 3 different versions! please help me choosing!

v1 v2 v3

help me please and tell me what you think about the banner.

See ya!

The True Story Of TheoKratos

Hi ppl, today I´m gonna tell you the true story of my nickname, TheoKratos. If you think that my nick is rationed with the principal character of God Of War, Kratos, you are wrong. All starts with a normal day of school, in February. I was in the class of History and the teacher was explaining some things about the ancient Greek (the Gods) The mighty and powerfully Gods were considered "real" by the Greeks, (didn´t understated all, and sorry about the egipts (thanks for  told me about the mistake Soul_Link :D) ) So we were reading the book, when a friend of mine read the word: Theo Kratos (he reads Theno Karatos :P) And the teacher saids: No, It isn´t Theno Karatos. It´s Theo Kratos. Theo Kratos is an Greek word and it means Powerful God ( Theo = God, Kratos = Powerful among all the other things). So I think that my nickname makes me a powerful god  jk :P So, this is the story of my unusual nickname. Hope you have enjoyed it! :)

Well, until next time, See ya!

got cs2 today

yay!! today I got Photoshop CS2!!! Now I can make my own banners and pics!! :lol:  Here is my 1st work with CS2 : (click on the pic)

I know, I know is a piece of sh*t... But I just got it today!! And I was wondering how to put different styles of fonts, like that font on the pic of my sig... If you know, tell me! :wink: Well, until next time, see ya!