seriously have you NOT noticed the trend of online gaming... 90% if not more is online code required, with the excpetion of COD(which wont last to the degree they will go to a online code) So yes get used to it, its the new way that developers get their FAIR share of the profits as chipwithdip stated. both InfinityWard and Treyarch will relaize this too that in time to make a extra profit from their games. buying used is "cheaper" but guess what YOU STILL GOT TO BUY THE CODE to play online so you can go online.. are you really that dense? "rob their customers" thats HILARIOUS, too bad so many compaies do this already guess you wont be shopping or buying from them again will you? And how is it people "like me" who cause DRM and on disc DLC LOL! is it because I CHOOSE NOT to be a trolling tool and post ridiculous comments/replies? Or because I pay my share to buy the game and get the pass with a pass included? Still and idiot you are
Been a Forza fan since its intial release, Great sim all way up till 4. This nedw direction interests me cant lie there. I had a fun time on TDU while it lasted, yet as the developer stated himself "We don't want cars to be disposable," says Greenawalt. "With a lot of [arcade racers] the car is a weapon. You might start off in a Ford Focus, and the moment a Ford Mustang is available, the Focus is useless. It can't compete. Eventually it leads to a one-way street where the game is ultimately disposable because there's no depth." which is why TDU had a lot of downfall IMO. heres to hoping this game does it right and brings a good new feeling back to racing
You whiners and complainers really need to get a grip and please STFU already.. apparently NOTHING ever pleases you, I am in total AGREEMENT with everone else sick of the pointless whinning..... I for ONE am excited about armored kill
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