Sadly this comment is now irrelevent. ANY Vita owner and I Mean ANY will tell you the screen isnt gawdy quality as the PSP was, it is a LCD screen that projects HIGH quality images in bright vibrant fashion sorry to break it to ya. Try it at a local gameStop next time prior to making assumptions on the quality of Vita. Furthermore US players who enjoy good games on the GO would love to see this happen especially if it becomes cross play we dont have shallow yet immature thoughts such as "
This game will be too EPIC to be kooked up on some puny little screen!"
I still hope the lvl system is better.. i dont wanna be enticed to do side quests and by doing so out lvling the rest of the area or majority of the game like Borderlands did
COD WAS a good franchise till BOTH Activision and Infinity Ward quit caring what players due during the P2P games.Not only is it rehashed but overly bugged for the sheer fact players consistently find ways to "walk on top of the maps, out of bounds, under the maps or even inside a object that shouldnt be like a ROCK" Even when they release a so called patch, the game remains overly laggy(granted depends on who is hosting) but that should be where the games intial ping test SHOULD realize player A's ping is way to high thus laggy where as Player B has a very low ping and therefore less lag, by giving a better HOST the chance to host a less than ungodly lagged match. Now example 2 goes back to my "glitch part" when players hack the code to improve damage, accuracy, etc. The devs NEED to step in and enforce a fair play rule or a ban if caught cheating, yes they have a "report cheating" button but comeon how many times you SERIOUSLY think they look into that? Its not hard, games such as MAG(under appreciated in some aspects I must say) but they had a anti cheat system kinda like steam's anti cheat, where any player trying to intentionally play unfairly met a kind kick in the butt. If COD devs ACTUALLY took time to care about the servers and not just "oh how pretty this looks" COD could once again be a good game. Till then it will always sit on store shelves and not recieve $$ from me and numerous others who agree
In the tenure they have been around yes Id choose Blizzard over EA any day.. EA buys companies such as Bioware and well frankly ruined a good company. EA is all about the $$ and not its consumers. They continually release games with very little improvement and quite honestly never take care of the ones who put the $ in their pockets... us... I have looked so Blizzard has had a run of very bad releases.. who hasnt? Have you NOT seen COD series Activision/Infinity Ward RELEASE for past 5 years? SAME rehashed BS.. your point just became invalid
TheodenofRohan's comments