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ThereIsNoEscape Blog

Finally Level 10. (Finally, A new blog post...)

Well, It's been two months since I've last written a blog post... So, here it is.

I'm level 10 finally! It doesn't really matter considering I never get on Gamespot much at all anymore. I might log on once a week, and that's about it. I might upload a video sometime this year, but if I do, it's not like I'll have any valid points to make... I've pretty much just lost interest in Gamespot. I find it rather boring, and I simply cannot stand the overcrowded community on the forums. I prefer to be on a website that isn't so overpopulated, so you can actually develop some kind of personal relationships with people that share similar game interests as you. That might sound kind of stupid, but that's just the way I think...

Hmm... Games? Yeah, those aren't going that great. I've lost not only interest in Gamespot, but in games as well. I've downloaded a few demos, such as Unreal Tournament 3, Call of Duty 4, Timeshift, Jericho, Fear: Perseus Mandate, and Crysis Beta.

Unreal Tournament 3 seems simply awesome as far as gameplay goes. The only problem is, it performs absolutely horribly on my computer. I have an 8800gts, AMD X2 5400, and 2gb RAM, so I don't know what the hell that's all about... It seems like everyone who has similar specs to mine is running games a lot better; although I have a resolution of 1680x1050, it shouldn't make that much of a difference.

Call of Duty 4 wasn't that interesting; In fact, it felt almost the same as the previous ones. It was slightly better in certain ways, but not that much seemed to interest me. It just felt like the same linear gameplay that Call of Duty has always seemed to have.

Timeshift seemed really cool. The actually shifting of time itself in the game confused me for a little while, but I got used to it and grew to enjoy it and use it well. Not only that, but it looks great too, as well as runs pretty smoothly. It seemed to look a little bit like Gears of War to me for some reason... Though I don't know why.

FEAR: Persues Mandate wasn't very impressive. I loved the original FEAR game, then Extraction Point kind of brought it down a little bit, and from what I've played so far, the newest expansion does nothing to make it any better.

Jericho was very enjoyable to me. It had a very dark storyline, which I personally tend to find interesting. Graphically, it was very impressive, in fact, one of the best looking games I have seen so far. Especially in terms of lighting. It didn't run that good, but didn't necessarily run badly either.

Crysis... Oh my god. Piece of sh*t. I was really looking forward to it, and then the beta was just awful. It ran horribly, didn't look particularly good, and the gameplay bored me. It was just one big disappointment, but I'm hoping when they release the final demo it will be much better.

Well, I'm going to try to fix some performance issues with my computer. While it could be my resolution, it shouldn't adversely effect every game I play as bad as it is... I'm going to first try adjusting some settings, if that doesn't work, I'll try out nHancer (google it) which will hopefully help my framerates. If neither of those work, I might download a different Operating System, and then, when worst comes to worst, I'll reformat my computer.

Well, I've written quite a bit, so I'm off.
Comments would be nice.

School (Life)

I hate school... And life in general... Because all there is to life, is success in school, and a successful career.

You know what? I don't really feel like writing much.

I hate my life. I hate myself.
If I had a gun to my head right now, I'd pull the trigger.

Bioshock demo devastation.

Yeah, I've seen a LOT of complaints about the PCBioshock demo being available only to Fileplanet subscribers. I personally hate this idea as well, and I really wish it would've been available on Gamespot, so I could at least feel like paying for this is worth the money. Fortunately, it's being released tomorrow! I don't have the money for it... So I can't get it. For those of you waiting for the demo to be released elsewhere, or waiting for the full game to come tomorrow, here's some things you can do in the meantime:

Take a look at the worst review of all time.

Look at this SEXY ass (trust me, you'll be viewing it for hours)

Well, I hope those at least eased some of the pain of waiting. As for me, I'm screwed.

I got my 8800gts...

Well, after waiting 3 weeks of waiting for my new Nvidia Geforce 8800gts to arrive, I finally got it. Cyberpower made sure to take their slow time on doing something as simple as replacing a graphics card... I'm pretty sure I never want to get a prebuilt again in my life, but that was my parents idea in the first place... If it were up to me, I would've built it myself. The good news is that it runs great, and although FEAR runs with some performance issues due to Vista, the card has no powerup problems as my previous 8800gts did.

Unfortunately, I'm still not happy at all... I thought that I'd be jumping for joy for about a week when I got my card back, but I'm not feeling very well. I hate having to go through each day of life... It seems as though nothing ever gets better, or will ever get better. I'm not looking forward to High School the least bit, and I still have to read some dumb book that I haven't finished for my Honors English class. I'm pretty sure that High School will be the same crap as Middle School, but I'll get beat up a lot and there will be a lot more work to do.

I really just hope life gets better... Nothing is worth living for right now...

Two new PC Pics.

I just got back from Wilmington today... And of course I didn't have a whole lot of fun there. Anyway, I was taking a few pictures today, and I decided I might as well take a picture of my 1337 PC (well, it will be when i get my 8800gts back). So I took these two pictures....

Well... I tried to put thumbnails of them, but Gamespot said the "code is invalid", even though it displayed perfectly fine in the preview. Keep in mind, they're pretty blurry and low quality because of my piece of crap camera, when I get a better one I'll probably take more later.

5 Reviews so far...

In case you haven't noticed, I'm up to 5 reviews now. Yeah, I know, it's not very many, but quality over quantity seems reasonable to me... I take a lot of time with my reviews, not all of them are very good, but I try my best to get into detail when I'm writing them. I'm only 14, so I'm not a good writer yet, but I'm slowly improving...

Anyway, I would really appreciate it if someone would recommend my reviews. Only recommend it though if you think it's good, but please, please do NOT, unrecommend them...

Half Life 2
Galaga (360)
Gears of War (360)
Far Cry (PC)
Ricochet Infinity (PC)

New Banner.

W00t! I devoted countless hours of my time, to create a robust masterpiece attempted by exceptionally gifted artists such as myself. As only I, the true master of devine art himself, could create such an image. While this image portrays death, it also implies many other things as well, which can only lead, you, the viewer, to describe in your own words what a breathtaking work of art this is.

You can use your best attempts, to create something that is anywhere close to this, but that simply is not possible.

We're sorry, but you are not eligible to view this due to ESRB Guidelines

Okay, I'm pissed off now.

This is a load of BS.I payed $8 of my money to subscribe to this website for a month, and I can't even view most of the damn videos I want to see. I see nothing wrong with blood in games, the "Mature" rating does not make me turn away and go to, nor does it make me want to go on a killing spree in real life. I am 14 years old. Yes, I am young, but I don't see why Gamespot feels they have to restrict me from watching a simple Crysis Gameplay Video, especially due to the fact that I am paying for the damn website.

I would be much more understanding if they used the same method they use for the user videos, a simple warning that said "This video may contain mature content, do you wish to view it?" But no, they decided to be as restrictive as possible by not letting me view the video period. I could always make another account stating I'm 18, but then I couldn't view anything in HD. So Gamespot, I ask you why you feel you must take away my freedom. It should be my parents decision of whether or not I can view such videos, and even though you have the right to control what content I can and cannot view on your website, it certainly does pull me away from the website knowing I can't watch videos of some of the games I am most anticipating.


Well, it turns out I didn't go to Wilmington... My dad got pissed at my brother because of something, and then he was so mad he decided to just go there without me. And it's his birthday today too, so I feel kind of bad... My mom got back from the hospital... And when she got back, my dad was yelling at her. Wonderful. What a peaceful family I have.

I don't think I'll end up beating Fable anytime soon. I'm pretty sure I'm not even halfway through... I really hope I am though, it's supposed to be a short game, but I tend to take forever with most games. I just want to beat it, review it, and get it over with. It's not that I don't like it, it's just that I wanted to beat a few games over the summer. I'm really hoping my 8800GTS will be back soon, and I'll be really pissed if they didn't "fix it" (or replace it).

Well, anyway, that's all I have for today... Thanks for reading (if you did).

*Edit- I saw Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix today, and it was actually pretty good. The action parts were cool, and the special effects were amazing. It was probably the only Harry Potter movie I liked.*

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