Why can't finals be in the beginning of the semester, when I'm excited about school? Exams and papers are not my ideal way to end a semester, even though this is stuff that really interests me. I found out that for my two credit seminar next semester, I need to get a $160 book????? Does anyone know a good place to get books online cheap? In fairly good condition? In other news, check out my newly created comic blog: Your Comic Relief. It's new, as of this week, but I should be updating it weekdaily, especially over the holiday break, (which starts on Tuesday, once I'm fully moved back to my parent's house). I have my first comic review up, the next one should be up within a week, as well as a newspost on an interesting webcomic I got sent, which you should definately check out, it's pretty funny. I'm dead broke right now though and can't afford my last two week's worth of comics till I get my next paycheck. Speaking of money, I got an offer to go teach children in China for a upcoming charity organization, not sure if I'll take it though, I want to teach, but I don't speak Chinese very well anymore, and I need to look at grad schools. Ok, back to paper writing, let me know what you guys think!
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