Damn, i turn on my Tv to sportcenter to find that Vince Young the QB of the Titans is injured and questionable for the season. What are we gonna do about Madden and his cover he keeps piling on body after body, career after career, Mich Vick is never gonna be the same, McNabb is still struggling to win that championship, and we all know the prime example of what it can do is when eddie george appeared. Ray Lewis is ok but his team isn't... what do u think we do, EA can't show a field or they'll probably be a terroist attack or something during a football game. The curse is real and its alive and in effect.
I think that's messed up how ppl that bought the PS3 for Virtua Fighter 5, thought we'd were gonna get the whole deal online and everything. But naw they give us the **** and instead it's headed to the 360 because they wanna make a profit. Im pissed cuz i have both but what da F*** dey give it to XBL i dont wanna pay 60 dollars a year for dat. Im in college manye, n must i have to tell people i got dese as "gifts". I love fighten games but that blow hurt manye, and its F'd up but we can't do nuthin' bout it.
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