Doing my journal surfing for the day, I realized I was really close to the top of most of my friend's....lists. Also near the top were MrV and Canuck. Very odd...
I was stepped on during football pracitse today. The cleats dug into my skin, brusing and bleeding along the way. It didn't really hurt, but the elbow to the side of my ribs did.
So this is the journal? Do you know that Gamespot really butchered this page is Firefox? It looks like crap and you can't even post new entries. But Taquitos are teh roxxors and taste so good. They're all cheesy and melty, and meaty and you just can't stop eating them. I swear it's like my ciggarettes. Cigarettes kill people because of certain diseases found it in, and is really bad for your lungs. I found out that I have a really bad cardiovascular system at football practise today as I almost vomited after warm up. Do you know rat's can't vomit, that's whjy they are easily poisoned? I have many dangerpus poisons underneath my sink. I wash dishes and my hand in my sink. I eat Taquitos off of my plate!
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