Am I the only person who really doesn't care whether there's a hockey season next year? Before you call me names, realize first that I love hockey. I was heartbroken when my Oilers missed the playoffs (again!), but I was able to understand, and after a while, join in on, the celebration of the Calgary Flames that engulfed the city a few months ago. I'm thoroughly enjoying this World Cup, and I'm happy with Canada's progress so far. What I don't like is how bloody stupid player salaries have gotten. Remember when Gretzky was the highest-paid player in the NHL with $4M or $6M or some then-outrageous sum like that? Today, at least one player on every team, I think, makes more than that; hell, even the tight-walleted Flames, with their self-imposed $35-40M salary cap, are going to give Iggy at least $7M.
Who's to blame for this? Is it the players and their aggressive agents? Or is it the win-at-any-cost owners who agree to pay such stupid sums? There was a time, not too long ago, when unproven rookies did not get million-dollar contracts. (There was also a time when no one got million-dollar contracts, but granted, that was a bit before my time.) Now, the league average salary is over $1.8M. Annually. Something's gotta give, and even if the owners are responsible for this mess, they gotta have a way to extricate themselves before every team in the NHL is hemorrhaging money.
What does this all mean to Joe Hockey Fan? Well, for starters, higher salaries mean higher costs to teams, which in turn means higher ticket prices, and even more ridiculous concession prices ($8 for an A & W burger? $5 for a small bowl of ice cream? Bite me, Saddledome!), which means a night at the hockey game becomes prohibitively expensive, if it isn't already. Furthermore, greed tarnishes the image of hockey. Now, hockey needs no help having its image tarnished (see: Todd Bertuzzi); hockey players are already seen as brutes by the ignorant. Do they need to be seen as selfish brutes, too? What happened to the love of the game?
So go ahead. Strike. Lock 'em out. Whatever. This nonsense is ruining my favourite game, and I'm sick of it. Until you can stop being selfish children, I don't want to hear from you. In the meantime, I'll be getting ESPN NHL 2K5 in a couple of weeks (Thanks, Alex! Too bad I gotta wait until after my birthday...), which should tide me over just fine.
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