@jim_peterson: Why focus on what others have? If you enjoy what you have, what does it matter if someone else likes something different? Boasting AAA exclusives doesn't do anything for someone who likes different games. Some people clearly don't care enough, or own multiple platforms. When will you understand that this logic is toxic for the gaming community? If it is more important that one system that has AAA titles than MS. Then take this into account, remember that MS has the most exclusives ever on the PC platform. Completely backwards compatible, largest collection of games, most exclusives, games don't have to be purchased every generation, modding communities, private servers, the list goes on and on.
I own a PS4 and Xbox and a gaming PC. I love all 3. I want a Switch pretty bad, next investment. Is it wrong to get along with others and let everyone enjoy what they choose to play?
@mickpunx: Just flag people like this (not that it does anything), hopefully Gamespot will realize that toxicity is not constructive to their platform.
@paulsgranny: You okay bud? You're kind throwing me off guard with the okaly dokaly. I probably am a little too passionate. May the force be with you. :)
@paulsgranny: E3 is not about tech demos, but to say E3 tech demos are a thing of the past your just being a negative nancy. Don't know what your so upset about but, this is exactly what E3 is for. Almost nothing seen at E3 is launch ready. Sony teases things like FFVII before the PS4 launches and may not see it until the PS5. I'm very sure when someone sees a tech demo they know it's really just a teaser. I don't think anyone thinks what they see is what they're getting, (there wasn't even any gameplay)... And in some cases it ends up looking better. You think we moved on from what? What basis do you have to say that it won't look anything like the demo? Your first E3?
@scottyp360: Well Sony told us it was in the works and would release on the PS4. I believed them. "Greatness Awaits" I have bought two PS4's actually. One for me and one for my daughter so we can play games together. Well, they both collect dust, and my daughter had to play the original FFVII on the PS4. Which sadly she said looked outdated. It gets tough when the polygons look sharp when the jaggies disappear but the 2D pixels make things look really bad. I'm convinced I'll have to purchase the remake on PC so I don't buy a PS5 and make the same mistake twice. So Sony is great at marketing, just wish they delivered on their promises.
@Defender1978: That's because God of War is so good that instead of playing it, fanboys can instantly go online and troll. They get more reactions from trolling than bragging about how many trophy's they have. I bought a PS4 and I'm still waiting for the remake of FFVII I was promised. Biggest waste of money I've ever spent, I don't even think FFVII remake will land on the PS4. Also instead of backwards compatibility, I was duped into purchasing FFVII (again) digitally through the store. Still waiting for greatness.
So your saying the Final Fantasy VII remake won't even release during the life-cycle of the PS4? So repurchasing the original FFVII (again) is the only way to play it on PS4. I feel duped.
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