@MonkeyKing1969: There is a PS4 and PS4 Pro. There is also just an Xbox One S and a Xbox One X. There are only two options for both consoles. I'm not sure you even understand what you wrote.
@Barighm: I don't even think it's a guess anymore. I'm just upset I wasted my money with hopes of greatness. It will end up being a PC game purchase. Shame on me if I make the same mistake twice.
@fedor: I used to but I don't think that helps the situation. Many others are reacting to the same nonsense, perhaps by numbers these people will lose their steam and find a new hobby. Trolling really must take a lot of energy, so much time focusing on hate. Calling out stupid is effortless for me, so I consider it my civic duty now. Maybe some day I'll figure out where their deep butthurt pain comes from and help one of them.
@fedor: Well when you are being harassed, and moderators do nothing. Banning me would only free me from the toxicity already here. All I've ever tried to express was unity amount gamers. Fanboy bias trolls are cancer and likely why there are no more moderators. It's sad that this world is so divided and the need for exclusivity over unity is sickening. Come at me with a valid argument and there still can be a discussion. I don't care what people think of me because they don't know me. My life is fine, things are well. I don't need people telling me my opinion is wrong it just may be different. But if someone is going to bring trolling they have to be reminded that their twist isn't what everyone thinks just what they think. You see this same toxicity everywhere these days. Something really must have hurt these people growing up. You try and bring a sense of common sense to the picture and they throw all logic out the window. Think about people like Flat Earthers. You could take them on a flight around the world and all they see is some cliff or whatever they believe. You can't help them. **** them. That's all.
@lamespot69: you seem like a bright one with that wild guess, sorry to disappoint my life is quite well at the moment, have a nice day try not to misjudged anyone else
@JustPlainLucas: just for reference this is where you started harassing me, 'something needs to be done about Xbox fans because you find their excitement infuriating.' I have two PS4's this is what makes your comment backwards. I also own an Xbox and a gaming PC. I have reasons I use each one. Get out of here with your fanboy antics.
@JustPlainLucas: well you sure make my day mine, you take pride in be a harassing troll and take credit when you think I'm upset. I'm over here laughing at you. you clearly are in the minority here with your fanboy bias. I'm impressed by your persistence being such a pathetic troll. When is harassment is your defining trait, your personal life must be miserable that you have to come online and I only typed what I did to prove a point, you don't give a **** what this article is about, you are looking for a reaction. That's just pathetic man. Get a life.
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