Good luck! We have one of the top rated CoD4 servers on the web, It's a tough business to make everybody happy! Make sure you have good admins to watch for cheaters, they'll be in there! Let me know how you're doing!
Upgrade! Crysis lokoks absolutely beautiful on my pc. I've got a Geforce 8800 super clocked card, 4 gigs of RAM & a dual core quad processer & it looks fantastic on high settings! Upgrade my son, upgrade!!!!!!!
I've played the sp through twice on different graphic settings & the game looks great either way! I just rebuilt my system to run upcoming games & it's well worth it! I run Crysis on full graphics & the game is beautiful!! If you've got a good system, play with the graphic settings, tweek them & see what they look like. I run a built system: GeForce 8800 super clocked. 4 gigs of Ram, Asus MB, Dual core quad prrocesser clocked to 3.0, my games look great!!!!!
CoD2 by far! Better graphics, better sound, larger community. Try CoD4, it will kick your butt! Ranked sites, intense gameplay! You guys would love it! Gear up your computer to play though!!
Well, I've been on Gamespot since its inception, never knew you could apply to be a friend! I'm 47 & have been a pc playersince Apple 2 came out! I get alot of WTF when I tell most people I'm in my 40's & still playing games, it's kind of a release thing for me, takes away the stress to sit down & shoot a bunch of bad guys!! So, as you can see, I have no friends on my list, but am willing to start! It's up to you!!
If you've got a good rig, this game looks great!! Depending wher you land, determines the action of the game, we only saw a small portion of the game. Lighten up boys!!!
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