I have been recenty planning to buy a camera to do video blogs, but I'm having a difficulty choosing which one to get. So, I'm asking you guys for help on choosing a good one. If you can, please recommend some cameras that would be good for things such as video blogs.
ThundraX Blog
To be, or Not to be?
by ThundraX on Comments
Let me start off by saying that I' am so proud of myself for not running to the line when the system is launched and instead, waiting a bit. After the launch of Playstation 3, many things got me thinking whether I should get it or just stick with my Xbox360 and get the Wii. The number one reason that attracted me to the Sony's new baby was Metal Gear Solid 4. I have been a fan of Hideo Kojima's work since the first Metal Gear Solid. Recently, there have been rumors goind around that they are planning to also release the game on the 360. Another title that might jump the ship is Virtua Fighter 5, which from what I know is one of the major Sony exclusives. I'am no developer, but from what I know, they would only even consider flipping if they are not happy with the hardware. But I won't get into that. This leaves me with FF13 to look forward to as a PS3 exclusive. The only good title that the system has since it's launch is Resistance: Fall Of Man and not many other titles that I would even consider getting. That would leave a big space of time until fall or close to it for the games that I want to get to be released. I have a perfectly working PS2, so I have no use for backwards compatibility, nor do I have a high definition tv to enjoy blue ray. This will basically leave a $600 Blue Ray machine to collect dust. On the other hand judging from the past of Sony's systems, this one will shine no doubt, just needs to get into the swing.
Recently, while I was at my local Gamestop, i have seen the PS3 on the counter. So, I was quick to ask the clerk if they had it in stock. He replied to me not by saying whether they have it in stock or not, but by saying "You have a 360, stick to it". Taking the advice of the clerk into consideration, I have come to a conclusion. I have decided to just stick with getting the Wii and waiting a year or so before I actually get the PS3. Probably by the time I get it, the price tag will go down, we will probably know for a fact if it's a hit or miss, and it will have a bigger and better gaming library.
The Wii on the other hand seems more appealing for me to get at the moment. A fanboy I' am not by all means but the same as many of you, Nintendo has always had a special place in my heart. A Super Nintendo was the very first system in our household and what got me into gaming in the first place. You can;t go wrong with Mario, Zelda and the gang as it always was great fun to play. Plus, considering the fact that my parents seem to be attracted to games that involve any type of physically moving around, the controller might get my parents into gaming :P Another thing that brings me to this choice is the current price tag and the fact that you are able to download those games from the yester years a la XBL Arcade. With that said, it is clear to me that the Wii would be the best choice for me to get right now.
EDIT: It seems that Gamespot doesn't like a certain word. It basically erases everything I have written after it, so I had to re-edit the blog alittle.
Weekend with the Gears
by ThundraX on Comments
Now to the subject. Even though I was unbelievably tired on Friday night and literally crawled home, the second wind has struck me. Instead of going right to bed, I started playing some Gears Of War. Just as I intended to do this weekend, I beat the casual difficulty. Honestly speaking, before i finished this setting, I constantly criticised the weak story line. But after playing the campaign, I must say that the game keeps you so busy that you really forget about it. I played a few chapters on co-op over the Xbox Live and also some multiplayer matches. It's just too bad that there is no matchmaking or party features in the multiplayer and the patch that was released did absolutely nothing to fix it. While playing on Saturday, I somehow would always end up on the team of people the same skill level as me, and the other team would always be more skilled than us. Basically we got our asses handed to us. Still, win or lose, I found the multiplayer a lot of fun, just tried to rack up my kills, and increase my skills. Maybe not for the rest of you, but for me going from 1 kill a game to 4 kills is a big step since I have never played this game online before. This coming weekend, I' am planning to start playing on hardcore. I' am figuring that I should be able to finish it during those days of rest. I have been checking the Achieve360points.com website and I found out that there are 12 cog tags in act 1 alone, I missed like half of them. So I also will be spending time collecting the rest of those. My goal right now is to get enough for at least a "Honor-Bound" achievement. I'am also shooting for "I Can't Quit You Dom" achievement so if anyone wants to do some co-op, just send me a PM over XBL. My gamertag is MGorin247.
Off Topic Rant
by ThundraX on Comments
Please forgive me for the political content of this rant, but it is something that got me very pissed off and i needed to vent it out. I have been watching the news today and it was said that our president, Mr. Bush, has decided to cut the Medicare and Medicaid in order to fund his was in Iraq. Honestly, I believe this has been going on for too long and it's enough. We went to Afghanistan to look for Ossama Bin Laden, but we didn't find him. We went to Iraq to find nuclear weapons, but there were none of them either. Why exactly are we tolerating this war? Why do we go out and fix somebody elses democracy when our own needs fixing so badly. Now the Medicaid and Medicare will be cut, what will be next? Will we retire in our future and find out that we have no pension because it was used to pay for the war in Iraq? Is Mr. Bush really doing this for national security and being a super hero that brings democracy or is he doing it for his hidden agendas? I think this has got to come to a stop and I don't want to pay for other people's "Pinky and the Brain" complex. Not with my income tax, not with my healthcare, and certainly not my pension. This has got to come to a stop for the sake of us as a nation and our's and our children's future.
Please forgive once again.
See ya on XBL
by ThundraX on Comments
In other news, I have recently noticed that my PS2 is no longer working. I haven't played it in a long time, plus it was a launch system, the warranty is way expired. So, I went to my local Gamestop and picked up a new one. It's a slim or a compact version, something or rather. Along with that, I picked up Final Fantasy XII, the series hasn't done me wrong except FFXI so I'm enjoying it. Of course the new battle system is something getting used to, but I'm really starting to like the gambit system and no more random battles, thank god. Haven't picked up the DS just yet. It was my little sister's birthday, so I decided to buy her some games. Yeah, she's a gamer in the making.
PS: As I created my XBL account, I noticed how embarrassing my gamer score is, must work on achievements immediately. If you see and start laughing, I won't take offense :)
A fellow Gamespotter in need!!
by ThundraX on Comments
mb_e102's Profile
Back to the Retros
by ThundraX on Comments
Hello fellow Gamespotters, hope everyone's weekend went well.
This past Friday, after watching a few people's blogs, a surge of nostalgia went through me. All of a sudden I get up, go to the closet, and dust of the good old Snes. It definitely brought back allot of memories. I enjoyed playing them all through the weekend. Here are some titles that i played.
Super Mario All-Stars- The collection of Mario's greatest hits. Particularly i was playing Super Mario Bros. 2. This was one of my favorites of all, really don't know why. One of the reasons that i kept playing it back in the nineties was that you can select four different characters and the whole picking up and throwing things. This game just never gets old and i will still have fun with it even twenty years from now.
Super Castlevania IV- This is another great title that i have enjoyed playing these past few days. This game explains it all. I started playing it around 11pm and next i realised it was 7am. Very addicting title if anyone hasn't played it, you're missing out on allot.
Mortal Kombat I & II- I could not stop playing these games back in the nineties. My friends used to come over my house and we would create tournaments. As I can remember, these are the only game my sister ever played and she was very good at them. She beat it on every difficulty setting, and used to kick and my friends butts.
Chrono Trigger- I could say this is the greatest moment in gaming i ever had even to this day. Started this one on the Saturday, but it needs much more devotion. This will the thing to do this coming weekend. This will be an addiction all over again, i know it.
My other plans for this coming weekend include going to Best Buy and finally getting a router so i could get onto XBL(I'm very late i know). Also i will pick up my Nintendo DS and probably get Animal Crossing for it. My good friend is coming from Florida, will go out somewhere probably. As for the Wii, still too early, waiting for the summer shipment. I'm also planning to get a new computer, deciding between a Dell or Alienware. Suggestions will help:)
Well, thank you for reading. Until next time, yours truly.
The Planet is Lost and will never be found
by ThundraX on Comments
The review for Lost Planet is done. Check it out here.
Critisism is always welcome.
I'm Back!!!
by ThundraX on Comments
Well, here i' am. Finally back. For those of you that watch my blogs sorry for the long leave. For these past two months I have finally done what I wanted to do for a very long time. I have finally visited my home country Russia. I haven't been there in twelve years and the experience was fun. It's totally not like i can remember before I moved to United States, it's different. Well, I guess thats what happens when you don't go somewhere for twelve years which is quite a long time. If you have never been there, i would definitely recommend visiting.
I have spent my time traveling between Moscow and St. Petersburg. I would call St. Petersburg the "Museum City". Almost every building is a monument to the Russian Empire which are almost two centuries old. A very great learning experience for me was visiting the Hermitage since i'm a history buff. Hermitage is a museum that spans several city blocks and holds the largest amount of artifacts and art of the Russian and European history in the world. Moscow, although it also holds it's fare share of Russian history, is more of a city robust with modern European culture. It is a great tourist locale which is also filled with alot of restaurants, nightclubs, it's fare share of museums, beautiful parks, anything to your hearts liking.
Like all fun things do, my trip came to an end. I haven't been able to do much gaming while on the trip. I have been visiting several arcades there(Yes. Arcade scene is alive and kicking in Russia), but haven't really been around gamers of my type. By my type i mean console gamers. Console gaming is almost non-existent, it's mostly PC, or at least from what I have noticed. Most of gamers there are heavy mmorpg fans. I really have nothing against mmorpgs, it's just i don't wish to take up such genre because every other game pretty much will lose my attention. Maybe, one day i' ll get one of those mmorpgs, but for now too many games to finish. Since i don't play any mmorpgs, it was hard having a good gaming conversation with them. I would mention the 360 and they would look at me funny:)
Well, I'm here, I'm back. It's good to be back on GameSpot. My usual weekly blogs will now resume for those that are interested. Thanks for reading and see ya.
Wish List for 2007
by ThundraX on Comments
Now that year 2006 is coming to it's end, we start to look ahead to next year. Next-Gen is now Current-Gen and all the developers will start creating lots of goodies for the new systems. My list of items to have next year is...
1. "Too Human"(XB360)-I'm sure every ones knows the game i'm talking about. This is going to be one of the best if not THE best title of next year. From what i've read so far about this one, it will be a very impressive action/adventure game, with norse mythology built into the storyline. I'm a big fan of mythologies and conspiracies so this is definitely my cup of tea. From what is known so far about this game is that it will be a three part trilogy, where you play a cybernetic god Baldur. There is an ongoing battle which threatens the entire existance of mankind. As Baldur, the player is charged with defending the mankind from an onslaught of ancient machines bent on the eradication of all humans. The game will feature nonstop action with melee and and ranged firearm battles.
2. "Assassin's Creed" (XB360)-What can i say, I love these types of games. Even when i play Oblivion, i end up with some character, if not assassin, something similar. This game is being made by a team of developers that's responsible for one of my favorite series Splinter Cell, UbiSoft. This one will also be a trilogy from what i heard so far. The game is set in 1191 AD, during the Third Crusade. The Assassins, which were back then known as a highly secretive and highly mysterious cult Hashishin intend to stop the hostilities by suppressing both sides of the conflict. The player assumes the role of Altair, one of the members of this cult, to kill key members responsible for the ongoing conflict. What is rumored so far is that the game will link somehow to a present, or near-future events, but nothing yest is confirmed.
3. "Nintendo Wii"- Yes, i'm definitely planning on getting one next year. I never like buying a system when it's just released, because of some of the bugs that are overlooked when the company rushes to make the launch date. I will be purchasing this system somewhere during the summer along with Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess which was my favorite series during the super nintendo and nintendo 64 era.
So far these are my plans for the next year. They may ofcourse increase, these are only the top three. For the games mentioned, i will be putting up reviews after they are released for what i like to call "Careful Buyer's Guide 2007". It's a long shot, i know., but for anyone who is interested stay tuned when they are released.
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