Keep fighting the fight against those fascist tards in the Government! Those government f***s all need to be exiled to a country that embraces communism since they love it so much. Hope they die!
Be reminded that he is a communist and will rape you of your civil rights by any means necessary. But I'm willing to bet you mongos voted for him in the first place. Bat + Ass = Consensual Sodomy and Subjugation. Enjoy!
So after playing 8 hours of this game (I heard it takes 20 hours to complete) this is my view on your review: The AI inconsistencies diminish the action and multiple linear, anticlimactic sequences is what made this game a 7.5? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Why can't you come up with something more logical like "Agent 47 has a band aid in the back of his head." GOD! WHO CARES ABOUT ANTICLIMACTIC SEQUENCES? That is NOT WHY PEOPLE PLAY THESE GAMES!!!! Just give the game a 1.0 for having violence if you are going to be this absurd.
@godofwarbfcodfa That is an assumption at this point but when you disagree with something it's reactionary. Like me, for example, 7.5 is a retarded score to give based on the cons he says what lessened the score from 10 but in his mind he feels he is being fair. Having right and wrong conflicts always ends in stalemate so I just give him the benefit of doubt and say, "F*** YOU! But that's your view."
ThyDavideth's comments