"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Point and shooting!! That's all the negative crap I can think of to berate this game. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!" SHUT UP!!!!! After seeing this video, I just came. My god, you nerds are so WHINNY!!!!
Gee. Max Payne 3 was the same way (hide, shoot, and spout corny dialog) yet you PRAISE that game despite it being the same FREAKIN' WAY as this game! INCOHERENT REVIEW! You should be fired.
To be derogatory is a means to gain the attention of the masses to which reactions could express inspiration or vehement contradiction. I like it, personally because it offends the sensitivity and the weak-mindedness of people who assume themselves as fragile as an artifact and manifests a sense of the ugly truth no one wants to come to terms with. This reflects all things considered whether pro or anti-gay, racism and so forth but it's thought stimulating and pertains to the real world as opposed to the disembodied garbage of an idealistic world than believes none of this exists. Remember kiddies, it's always wise to gain an opinion on the game and it's subject matter before consumption. Not unless the reviewer is neglectful and moronic.
ThyDavideth's comments