@7tizz: this buttroll has a slight point, ps3 downloads take forever depending on the size of the file and has nothing to do with Internet speeds. But who plays ps3 still I have 2 and can't bear the thought, well that's kind of a fib, I'm about to get the one game called nier, I heard it has a great soundtrack and want to clear it before the sequel arrives.
@suicidesn0wman: more like an ultimate gamer from the 80's generation that isn't a touchy douchebag about everything that's negative towards the bone, like I've said I own one and will negatively criticize as I deem fit, and take personal joy in making Lil sensitive gamer gurls like you have yeast infections, getting your panties in bunches!
@sladakrobot: to unplug the device and not put away, that's the equivalent to murder In this guy's eye, like I said unwedge the wedgie, before your panties give you a yeast infection.
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