Damn xbots shut the hell up about what sony has...we have Japan we have Europe and by the end of this year will own America then when no one is playing games on your sux box you'll know why
Good job Mr. Kojima its your game screw anyone who's mad at you they are irrelavent, all your games do justice. Kojima made a mech nude(naked jehuty) but this girl does have articles of clothing on so no big deal. Those who have a problem with it a girlz in man bodys, so shut the hell up...losers....Kojima is a king!
I don't think that this fruit named david ellis has ever played dead or alive beach volleyball, might also want to not look at bratz toyz since they teach lil gilrz(like david ellis) how to look like young slutz lol. I wonder if this dude even has genitilia. And most cosplay people are at a decent age. I'd rather the women be dressed up in a sexy outfit then dress up as those overdressed final fantasy skanks.
@stan_boyd @jd7904 @Tiger_Ali Well I dont actually pay attention to dumb shit like justin bieber and to even know what a justin bieber fan is like, sir I just dont know what to say to that ridiculous shit?
@jd7904 @Tiger_Ali @lmlf but in the end Xbox services are better...thats my point, that they pay to play and have better experiences than Sony gamers. I want quality sevice and you pay for what you get ...AM I WRONG?
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