This is the worst fighting game it sux compared to mk and sf and tekken are gods cpmpared to this shitty title boy does microsoft sux. Free to play but not...microbitch sure does like to send out a mixed message kinnect is xbox 1 xbox1 is kinnect but u don't need it to play now this....WOW!
@myjota Fool who ants to use the eye? That just sum xbot rant in retaliation for that wretched kinnect that's being forced down your throats. Real games that's just ludicrous every game is a real game. Thankfully Sony made it so that your main concern isnt Tv...Tv, TV TV TV TV...and oh titanballs.
Once again xbots are radomly spouting nonsense. Ryse is a pile of donkey shit Infamous looksway better than that shity button mashing romefest. With all its quick time events it so wants to be god of war. X1 doesn't have any good games that aren't 1st person shooters. Forza=trash, dr3=trash,sunset overdrive=trash.
Tiger_Ali's comments