http://youtube/iAimfRS2Z0g show me power dont talk about specs show me something as good as this on the other console.
Tighaman's forum posts show me power dont talk about specs show me something as good as this on the other console
Still talking specs? When the games still doesn't show that power, sony still got you all on that untapped power thing? How long you all gonna ride that wave? Before we knew anything about the specs everyone was saying 1080p @60 was a must and then when none of the exclusives for sony has that then you all backtracked and said well 1080p @30 is find as long as a lot of stuff going on and the game looks good. The games dont look bad but it just dont show that power you all talking about. Maybe that 14+4 cu thing is actually true maybe you all just reading everything and write what only helps y'all cause, I don't know but get off the specs cause its not helping you at all.
 fam you can keep making that excuse if you want to and infamous a pop in feast for a game that suppose to show the power right and its not even a launch title 1stQ of 2014? And im sorry but kameo, the first saints row, condemned, and nba 2k looked great on my tv.
:lol:Â pop in fest..
At least it doesn't run at 14 FPS like DR3 does,and to think Infamous look CG like...:lol:
All those 360 games were garbage compare to how Gears of war looked...
So was Resistance vs Uncharted 1.
So yeah most of what you will get is rush games.
no feast like I said lol and you think infamous game play looked CG? :lol: sometimes I be thinking torm got a little sense then you make a statement like that and erase the little hope I have for you.[QUOTE="XBOunity"][QUOTE="Mr-Kutaragi"]So much spent and ps4 controller is superior. 100 million down drain. TLHBO.Mr-Kutaragi
lol yeah such a compellling argument as to why the DS4 is better.   Nice try Kutaragi, sorry you got fired for almost making Sony Bankrupt.    Â
Please do not cry. MS waste 100 million and inferior controller. 360 controller is fine, money could have spent on buy more exclusive instead of turd like Ryse. You think with 100 million dollar they use modern battery technology, but nope. Lemming have to be milked like always. :lol: Ugly controller, no innovation, old technology. Only improvement is rumbler trigger? Maybe change name to gbox, for gimmick.and you want a controller lacking every feature of the controller because you need the pseye?ÂYou don't think people will be still playing Killer Instinct with all the extra content it'll have later on?[QUOTE="mitu123"]
Really? Outside of Forza(if you like racing games) what X1 launch exclusive launch game will people still care about or be playing well into 2014?
No. I don't KI will be a game with staying power. Plus it is a fighting game and those tend to be more of PlayStation genre.
thats the difference between the two xbox online is always jumping theres so many games even demo that people play online hell I watched my son play mulitplayer demos on the 360 and still find people to play with. As long as you have servers up xbox fans will play it.Â
Not all of them will be worthless though, only one that doesn't look worth it is Ryse from the vids we saw.[QUOTE="mitu123"]
I'm sure those worthless launch game will lead to much disappoint for the Xflop impulse buyers when Sony inevitably begins to release the superior exclusives. I'm content to play 3rd party games outside of Killzone and inFAMOUS until then.
Really? Outside of Forza(if you like racing games) what X1 launch exclusive launch game will people still care about or be playing well into 2014?
you should ask yourself that question before you buy the Ps4 yall fanboys be killing me. It seems that if that watchdogs is gonna be ps4 best game for almost a yearI like PC gaming, but the original Crysis game cannot compare to KZ:SF in graphics. Yes, newer Crysis games can, but not the original one. Anyone who says otherwise is in denial.Baurus_1I swear man keep posting you keep me laughing at least try to keep them guessing
This is a last of a dying breed type of game so much to do very robust sp I can't wait to play it.
Nope, just like almost all games of last gen....LOL[QUOTE="AMD655"][QUOTE="CallOfDutyRulez"]
You really think pop-ins won't be fixed by the time of release?
Are you willing to put your accoutn on the line?
TrollMaster stop trying to get the thread locked and they better get that fixed before released because its not coming out till at least june the earliest
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