@killzowned24: Ive played both marius has more polys than two npcs up close in killzone, textures better in RYSE every round or circle is a round or completely circle instead of blocky in killzone, lighting in Ryse way better, tessellation, cloth physics the only thing killzone has is resolution and particle effects that's it
Tighaman's forum posts
I'm sorry but if it was just one guy in the SP I could understand no co op or multiplayer but DAMN ITS FOUR PEOPLE in SP you couldn't do online co op or horde multiplayer?
the people don't understand whats next gen look at RYSE you can say its 900p but look at it every round egde is truly round polycount is through the roof way above any other game at this moment, 1 rig per person , cloth physic above anything else, lighting is amazing fire reflecting off armor and when light changes through the game so does the color of the armor, tessellation heavy, great AA solution even standing still hardly any jaggies at all I will take that if that means giving up 1080p everytime, but sure as the new engines roll around and better tools for devs all of that is gonna be the norm.
@I_can_haz: That's only sony fanboys who hollering about RYSE but you are about to witness the same thing 1920x800p at 30fps linear corridor TPS and watch how much praise it gets from the same fanboys who said RYSE was garbage.
I don't understand sony fanboys they rather have 1080p with poor AA and framerate problems just so they can say its 1080p instead of going with a 1920x800 with black bars to help lock the frame rate 4xmsaa and an over all better looking game smh so sad just let the devs craft the game as they want to
Its good that SONY fans kickstarted the ps4 like I said yall needed to do, now with them selling off their pc business and from that great profit they can start Uncharted and stop using the ps3 as damn servers.
Even though its 1920x800 and its no co op no multiplayer and what ive seen of the game a little QTE in there I think it will be truly a great game I'm hype for it cant wait to play it.
@me3x12: I seen you writing on the IGN forums you really be trying fam and I commend you for that but this is really the wrong place to fight its too many CER ZOMBIES and you just got a revolver. If you bring evidence beyond the NORMAL hive mind sites you are spitting misterx bullshit if its a good thing that the x1 do the ps4 can do it too but if its bad for the x1 the ps4 do it better its quite entertaining yes but being serious is not what you need to be on this forum.
Man don't tell me about hardware they already said the ps4 would use compute by using 4 CU out of them 18 and yes that would hurt the gpu again with that misterx shit when you don't know what you are talking about.
PRT is only compatible with the ps4s GPU the setup inside the ps4 is not setup for PRT only one pool of memory is not good for PRT read what you need to run PRT PROPERLY and get back to me.
You keep talking about the GPU can use PRT but you have to the rest of the system setup to run it without hindering the CPU and GPU smh
I don't give a shit what reviews say I know what I play with and it battery sucks, I cant cut off the controller when I watch Netflix or it will pause the movie and the rubber is peeling of the left stick after two months, I don't want to have to recharge it every 6hrs.
And again you never told me anything great about the ps4 only bashing the x1 to make your console look good but its really not and I can tell you are not really happy with sony and your purchase right now.
you comparing two gpu cards you haven't talked about two other gpu compute for offloading cpu computes for offloading ESRAM+NAND+RAM HW PRT software OS and tools all of that contribute into what you see on screen. I have way more common sense than you and more hardware knowledge than you, like I said you mad because no one is talking about your console of choice instead only bash the other console to make yours look good tell me how great the ps4 is with all of its great functions its great camera what it do? Online whats coming up ps Now sounds great tell me about it, cloud Rackspace?tell me more? New hardware capabilities PRT, New Drivers, help me find info? New Games, better controller, can we cut the light off, can we turn the controller off when we play Netflix, will my rubber rub off my controller after a couple weeks of use, help me out TORM? New Updates on the ps4 would be great TORM instead of bashing the x1.
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