@Whats really funny is that the Agent, Last Guardian and them other tech demos they have been waiting on since 07 they will still be hyping them when the playstation 5 comes out saying playstation has all the exclusives lol
Tighaman's forum posts
A while back I was reading that starting with the ps4 Sony will be charging 50 dollar for ps+ but also 5 a month for multiplayer games but later disappeared, Everyone that I has encountered and has a PS4 saying their account has be hacked and at least 130 dollars has be taking out by SONY not EA not hackers but by SONY so what is SONY DOING WITH YOUR MONEY?
I don't even sign up to most forums but I can tell you that the same COWS that be on this system wars forums TRY to take this same attitude on every forum they be on and they be on all of the site I can tell its them just by the way they use the same copy paste words they use on system wars its sad really. Since may they been spitting that same ol stuff on every site clouding real info and wonder why they behind on real info.
@handssss: I didn't say its only popular in japan but most of them sales did come from the ps2 days GT is not popular as it use to be at all.
U.S is the most important country even if you like it or not we hold the money, we hold the moment
and SUCCESSFUL means on all accounts GAMES, MERCH, and SELLING POWER.
@Again them CER ZOMBIES really don't know what SUCCESS means this is the USA and if you make it here you make it anywhere GT is not big here theres no Advertisement for GT no one wants to make a MOVIES or a series no T shirts GT is not on soda hell I don't really see it selling over here most of them gt sales was from JAPAN eating it up in the ps2 days besides that the best selling one wasn't even a really a game it was a big demo.
@XBOunity: Ps4 have one more shipment before Christmas and I don't thing you will see another shipment until after the 10th of JAN but the x1 has two more shipments and sending some more to bestbuy and Amazon on the 8th of JAN its gonna be hard for sony to keep up the demand everyone wants a ps4 as it seems.
As of the 7th of Dec USA TODAY had the numbers as
PS4 selling 107k that week and a total of 1.32m
X1 selling 163k that week and a total of 1.17
Sony biggest shipment is today and will be in all stores tomorrow but looks like they are shipping less than the x1
so will X1 catch up by years end?
Its really simple if you want to go on the a exciting ride with no replay value you just want to beat the good game and move to the next you go with Sony. If you want a game that you know after you played the great single player theres a robust multiplayer side and servers stay on like forever your buddies most likely keeping the game because the longevity you go with XBOX
whenever MLB da Show comes out
@I_can_haz: dude that guess of 1.4 mil came out of dude ass lol I don't think they shipped 400,000 more to the NA right before the UK launch they been having shipping problems
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