mannnnn this game is going to be a epic spThis looks next gen no doubt.
Tighaman's forum posts
[QUOTE="Tighaman"][QUOTE="xhawk27"]and you know they had to set some assets of the system for that camera they should have never sold it separately waste of system power if its not going to be used. Game by game basis, unlike xbone that Kinect always mandatory. Voice recognition is most usefull feature of kinect and could be done on cheap microphone. MS only forces this expensive brick for advertising opportunity and stealing personal information. If kinect is so amazing and helpful to game, why Ryse starts as kinect game and now moves to A button control instead. Please do not cry. I said if you read using power of the system is not a game by game option they already have to have that power set aside in the system to use the camera and it they didnt make it mandatory they are wasting power of the ps4. Kinect is going to be ok time by flight cams the cheapest is no less than 2k and x1 gives me one for 100 bucks and it will be more devs trying more things on kinect than they will with the ps4 cam just because kinect came with every system.Yeah but Sony built-in functionality in the PS4 controller to use with the PS eye.Â
[QUOTE="Tighaman"][QUOTE="UNcartMe"][QUOTE="Tighaman"]damn lil chico debarge lol dont get mad the game look good. Yall need to start giving credit when its do or yall never gonna feel secure about killzone, knack ,and drive club. "Pats the youngin on his back"UNcartMelol you mad killzone looks both better and more fun?not at all but I can tell you that I will be playing battlefield 4 and cod before killzone gets any play so enjoy your framerate dips, high blur, and sluggish controls we good over here. lol there you go putting words in my mouth. not once did i say i would be buying killzone sf, let alone a ps4[/QUOTE. Well stop hating over this way because we think the game looks good and you on every x1,post with negativity forza, and ryse so it sound like feeling for Sony to me.
Ummmmmm the camera setup on PS4 is optional. You dont have to use it, thats why its sold seperately. If you dont like it then hey guess what, you dont have to buy one and you dont have to use it.
List of things to complain about must be running dry tongiht.
Yeah but Sony built-in functionality in the PS4 controller to use with the PS eye.Â
and you know they had to set some assets of the system for that camera they should have never sold it separately waste of system power if its not going to be used.[QUOTE="TheFadeForever"][QUOTE="Tighaman"]a 5k screen shot of a cutscene :-D that just pitfulUNcartMe
confirmed in-engine :Plike I said in engine cutscene thats in 5k Sony already said that the ps4 is not capable of 4k gaming not even upscaling sorry homie.[QUOTE="Evo_nine"]lol who are you trying to kid? OHHHH LOOK BLADES OF GRASS = DA BEST GRAFIX!damn lil chico debarge lol dont get mad the game look good. Yall need to start giving credit when its do or yall never gonna feel secure about killzone, knack ,and drive club. "Pats the youngin on his back"lots of cow circle damage control going on here
cant accept ryse is the best looking game so far.
back you go to your killzone bullshots :cool:
bad thing I dont think crytek is fully envolved with the mp part of the game I think ruffian is making mp thats why you see the differences between the two. I hope this game rules, though deep inside it reminds me of LAIR on the PS3, probably the biggest disaster of last gen. So much promise, so little execution - no pun intended.I wont be lair I think lair would have been good but.trying to implement sixaxes and trying to move the camera with that design was something sony put on that dev team they really wasnt ready for.[QUOTE="Tighaman"][QUOTE="R3FURBISHED"]
Whatever it is about this game, I want it to be good. The setting and characters are very appealing - in the same way a lot of God of Wars appeal to me is the Greek mythology, a lot of Ryse's appeal is the Roman aspect.
Everything Crytek says sounds good, and I look forward to seeing the fully complete version.
dont say that to loud you.will be called an idiot, fanboy, and delusional brainless little kid lol but they gonna really find out whats that orange box in that diagram that says 1.71 G means when amd announces their latest and greatest.Im amazed that a system with 1.2tf can produce such visuals so smoothly.
i wonder if the rumours are true regarding the xbox's big reveal come the end of september.
bad thing I dont think crytek is fully envolved with the mp part of the game I think ruffian is making mp thats why you see the differences between the two.Whatever it is about this game, I want it to be good. The setting and characters are very appealing - in the same way a lot of God of Wars appeal to me is the Greek mythology, a lot of Ryse's appeal is the Roman aspect.
Everything Crytek says sounds good, and I look forward to seeing the fully complete version.
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