Tighaman's forum posts
people still talking like they no more than the engineers that make hardware and software for the x1. If Sony said this we wouldn't hear the end of it but since it's says it's not capable of 4k at all now it's impossible or they won't be real full games.Get ready for PS2 graphics at pointless 4k
Maaannnnn get that stuttering,sliding across the street, one car on the road ass game lmao!!! Gtfoh
Find me a PS4 copy of Watch Dogs that costs less than £30, which is what the PC version costs, and will be cheaper by launch when GMG/GOG/Steam compete for preorder deals ( the PS4 version is £47, by the way). Also find me a PC platform for Watch Dogs that requires me to pay a £40 per year subscription to play online.
Please on PC games are cheap because of the 99% piracy rates,still find me a $399 PC that can even stand close to the PS4.
Yeah find me a £40 PC subscription that will give you games ever month without extra charge..
Wait find me a 7800GTX from 2005 running Crysis 3 like the xbox 360 and PS3 does.?
So yeah consoles are cheaper and their GPU get supported way longer.
Drop the charade troll.
Oh look, it's this old argument. Prices are cheaper on PC because there's no second hand, and often no physical retail - but the competition for your money is still huge. Anyway, even with your "99% piracy rates", EA seem to be doing alright, considering PC players don't care about anything they do anymore other than BF & the Sims.
Damn, poor EA. If it weren't for that 99% piracy rate, they'd be trillionaires! On the flipside, if it weren't for Fifa/Madden, the consoles wouldn't even be part of the equation. The cost of production:profit ratio for PC & console, for EA at least, would probably favour the PC... And yeah, we're not even talking about a PC-centric developer.
Alright... GIVE you games for £40 a year without extra charge? If you're talking about Xbox Live, why on earth would I benefit from getting a free copy of Halo 3? I've already played that game to death. Are you on about PS+? That's nothing but a glorified rental service. I was subscribed for a few months, but I fail to see the value for money (for me, personally) - If I want a game really bad, I'll buy it. If I kind of want it, the cross platform version will be on PC for under £5 before it's anywhere near PS Plus.
Find you a GTX 7800 that runs Crysis 3 like the PS3 does? Why? Unlike consoles, PCs can ditch old technologies, and enjoy a bleeding edge experience for, what is in the long run, no extra cost. How many AAA PS3 & Xbox titles have you bought this generation? 50? 100? Let's just say 50 - not an unreasonable amount at all, considering both systems have been out for so long - maybe you've bought more than that, who knows? Average price of £40-45, compared with £20-30 on PC. Difference of £12.50 a game, multiplied by just fifty games, and over a generation, that would be a saving of £625. Oh, don't forget the 8 years of Xbox Live - £320 there (value for money? Pfft). Surpassing the consoles "optimization" curve, by spending that £945 on hardware upgrades alone, would be a pretty easy thing to do. Hell, if you just wanted to stick with the console experience, there would be very little work necessary. Even "back in the day", you could build a PC to do PS3/Xbox like performance for a low price, but that's irrelevant, because even the most casual of PC gamers have moved past SD upscaled to 720p many moons ago.
Lets be fair, I compared both formats in the most console friendly way possible. What if I were to talk about sales? What about if I were to talk about preorder bonuses? Didn't the PS3 version of BioShock Infinite come with a copy of BioShock? Like no-one and their mother had already played that... £40 for BioShock Infinite & BioShock vs £22.99 for BioShock Infinite, XCOM: Enemy Unknown, Civilization V, BioShock, & BioShock 2? What if I decided, a year after release, I wanted to buy myself a game I didn't pay much attention to... Deus Ex: Human Revolution, £3 last summer, still £15+ on consoles everywhere (I know, because I brought it as a gift for a family member). The Batman games, both around £3 each last year. Sleeping Dogs, £3, just a few months after release.
I could continue to pull names out of a hat forever, but you'd spout the same ill-informed piracy malarky, despite every Xbox gamer I know personally having an extra chipped Xbox they use to play single player games offline. I'm just after great games, and I'm sure in the end there will be a few for the PS4 & Xbox One, so I'll buy them, but it's a big price to pay for those few games. Looking back at the PS3, how many of it's first party titles would I consider must plays? Uncharted 2, LittleBigPlanet, TLOU (although overrated), Demon's Souls, MGS4, maybe God of War III, and Journey. I sure as hell got my £500 outta that console.
cerny also suggest that you use 4 of the 18 cu for compute but everyone is Ignoring that. With the ps3 how many tflops was the gpu....1.8? Sounds familiar? The all the games that was so great on the ps3 lacked replay value. I definitely got my money worth out of my 360 so much replay value in so many games.Just read what this guy says at the end.CryEngine Cinematic Specialist
GNet Media
June 2013 Present (3 months)West Hollywood, CaliforniaI built out 7 cinematic shots for Crytek's Xbox One title: "Ryse, Son of Rome" These shots will be used for Marketing purposes in September 2013.For these shots I was provided an asset library of props, character models, animations, particle effects, and pre-existing game levels. All of which were in various different levels of completion. My job was to go from a pre visualized concept of what the shot was suppose to be, with text as a placeholder for the action I was to create. For each shot, there was also motion control data at the beginning, which corresponded with live action "developer" which was composited into the beginning of the shot filmed with the Red Epic Camera up against a blue screen. I then hand animated the rest of the camera movement.On some shots, pre-existing cinematics were utilized for sections of the action, and mixed with action I put together, which took around an average of 7 days for each shot to be build out. There was a large mixture of hand animation which I did right in the Engine, and Pre-animated characters, which I needed to edit together several animations and offset timings and such to build out larger things like intelligent battle formations, crowd battle scenes, or kill somebody specific with a flaming arrow, which would have been hand keyed.The action in the shots included custom keyed Archer volleys, Catapult explosions with Units getting blown up. Battle formations, custom Prop keyed animation, Camera Animation including Depth of Field to guide the viewers eye. Particle Effect creation, modification, & improvement for such things like birds flocking, flaming arrows, & explosions; scene lighting changes, additions, & lighting caused by effects. I also rendered all of the scenes at 2k res @ 60fps.
@Tormentos, what's your take on the this dGPU (discrete GPU) alongside the APU? How much TF advantage could this possibly provide?
On PC there wasn't any advantage per say when running an APU with a discrete GPU,because normal CPU like the i7 are way more powerful than APU,so games actually suffer if you use an APU + discrete GPU.
I see. Aside from fully fledged extra discrete GPU, what do you think the probability of X1 having smaller extra (unrevealed yet) dGPUs (discrete graphic process units) alongside its APU?
Total BS or there might be some truth to this rumor?
I really think that it's a more powerful gpu that's not discussed numbers don't add up for the esram. But im sure someone will call this bs as usual[QUOTE="Tighaman"]
1st ME had better story and exploring rpg 2nd ME had better gun play 3rd ME had better graphics that's it
I thought ME3 was a HUGE improvement on gameplay and graphics. I always felt very restricted in ME1/ME2, 3 felt like the first game in the series with an actual budget to back it's wonderful story and dialogue.
the 3rd one just felt like another shooter1st ME had better story and exploring rpg 2nd ME had better gun play 3rd ME had better graphics that's it
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