Shame on me, but I heard about the Rock Band 3's pro features only this morning, but as I heard about them, I immediately got pumped for it. I've been searching for the price of the real Strat bundle for the last 20 minutes but can't find anything. What's the matter? It's yet-to-be-priced or they cancelled the bundle?
Tigro_PL's forum posts
What is OTVC? I found a TV with "OTVC 3D" in description and I have no idea what that is. Google doesn't help. What does it mean? Is that a "normal" TV or what?
"What's popular lately" you're asking?
Calm down sir! Breathe in.. Breathe out..
Hehe, I knew that most likely no one would answer such questions but it's always worth trying, isn't it? ;) Anyway, I feel relieved by the assertion you made in the second sentence designer- :D
bigblunt537: I'm not even thinking about joining any frat since something like 8500 kilometres in a straight line part me from any :D
OK, thank you for all the information, guys. If I come up with any other questions, I'll surelly hit with them here ;)
OK, thank you very much :) And what about the (I don't know how it's actually called) "entrance ceremony" for the newbies? Is this like in the movies: bigger or smaller messing with the newcomers for some time or pseudo-mystical taking an oath in a dark place or any of such movie-like things? :)
Oh, that's really interesting :) I was almost sure that these movies show the world of fraternities way too much grotesque than it actually is and it comes out that it's not THAT different.
And what about the between-fraternities hatred? You know: one "cool" frat interrupts parties of the other one or threatens its members, treats them as "the worse" (let's say: "not worthy of talking with")? Does it happen?
I've just finished watching yet another "great" movie in which the whole storyline floats somewhere around the college life. This made me curious about the actual shape of all this fraternities stuff and such. And here is my question to the American students: is there really such an atmosphere (or, more accurately, "religion") with the fraternities? I mean: fraternities for so-called "cool" people (basing on the movies, people like cheerleaders, hot blondies and muscular football players would fit in that category) and different ones for the nerds, immemorial wars between the fraternities, uncontrolled willingness for joining the "coolest" fraternity and therefore becoming "cool" and respected? How does it really look like?
Hey, people, don't you know what's going on?
I was playing Zuma Deluxa, finally (after like 20 attempts) managed to pass stage 12, got to stage 13, but I lost on 13-1. After that.. 12-1 was shown and now I am unable to play 13-1 so I have to pass 12-1 once again! How come? Why did it happen? Does every time I lose in 13-1 I have to start over from 12-1?
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