Of course not. Dont you realize by now that the Wii's market are casual gamers? Most casual gamers do not go to websites like Gamespot and check up on review scores. I bet half of these casual gamers dont even know about any other games besides Wii games. And less than half are hardcore gamers. Ask them if they ever played Super Metroid or Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, and they'll probably answer no. That's why Zelda Twilight Princess didnt see that much success because the Nintendo crowd are more casual than ever now. Video game analysts are saying it, Reggie is probably even saying it and they know it, whether you like it or not.
The problem is that it's the supposed "hardcore" gamers that gave up on Nintendo. Not Nintendo gaving up on the core. Nintendo just reached a new market but they are still making game for the core. The "hardcore" gamers gave up on Nintendo when the Playstation became mainstream. They always said the games are kiddy and the game sucks. How many people didn't buy the GameCube or the N64? I have a feeling you're on the list for that kind of turning. However, the "hardcore" gaming will be a niche market very soon. I can see Wii beat the PS360 in sales combined. The casual market is on for an expansion. It's your fault. Not Nintendo's fault. It's the fault of the supposed hardcore gamers. If people bought the GameCube more, you would see probably a better faith for you. Also, Casual games are not meaning they are bad. Boom Blox is awesome. Next gen, you'll see Sony and Microsoft becoming more casual. They won't let Nintendo ruled that market again.
As for me, I can see many "hardcore" games coming: Tales of Symphonia 2, Fragile, Kizuna, MadWorld, The Conduit, Mushroom Men, Arc Rise Fantasia, ... and I can count many "hardcore" games on Wiiware coming as well. I can't complain at all for that. Is it because they are not known games? If that so, I pity people that are thinking that. As for me, I gave up on the huge 3rd party companies unless they make original games. I'm now on the small 3rd party that can make original and interesting games. Maybe that's why I think the 360 or the PS3 games are lacking in originality.
First off none of those games are from Nintendo that you listed, and yeah its a different market but there still isnt very many good games coming out for the Wii this year for the hardcore on the Wii. The 360 is getting Fallout 3, Left 4 Dead, Mercenaries 2, etc. And Wiiware is pitiful. 2 or 3 good games at the most ( not include classics like Family Table Tennis), the XBLA has gotten in the last month Galiga Legions, Castle Crashers, and Bionic Commando to name a few. Now Im not an Xbot or hold any loyalty to any one system or developer but Nintendo is really ignoring the hardcore what did we get this year? Brawl and Mario Kart, both good games but pales in comparison to other Nintendo systems.
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