With a PC you can check frames-per-second and keep fidgeting and upgrading hardware to get everything to run "perfectly", thus you end up spending less time playing the games and more time trying to tweak them. Another problem is that PC games usually don't have as steady a frame rate as console games do, for example a game may run at 100 fps and drop to below 30 fps at certain points. With consoles, even if the framerate does drop below 30 fps, there's nothing you can do about it, thus you think about it much less and just PLAY THE GAME.
Also, console controllers just seem to work better than PC controllers, unless you use a keyboard and mouse, but most video games are simply more fun with controllers (although keyboard and mouse gives easier aim for shooters, but I think a controller is still more fun for shooters and requires more practice to get good at it). Also consoles are much easier to hook up to a TV so you have a big screen to play games on. When you try to hook up a PC to a TV screen, the picture just doesn't seem too look as good as a console picture does.
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