Good idea... and I disagree, so what if it has maxed out on what it can do, there's always new games and concepts to improve, I still think there's a lot of life out there for DS...
As for a "DS2" we'll call it... it's more than likely Nintendo are working on ways to improve it... maybe add a camera and introduce photography into the games, and of course yes improve the mic and maybe better graphics. It happened for GameBoy with it's GBPocket, then colour was added, then improved graphics, then back light, then miniscule, then two screens, then brighter lighter two screens... the things they could add are endless in my opinion, all you need is a good imagination or a good eye for supply and demand ;) lol
*EDIT* And for the record, by improve I don't mean give into the whole "add as much as you can by any means" (for example music player or video like the PSP ¬_¬) , I'm talking about improvements that make GAMING more enjoyable or interesting as that's what a hand held GAMES console should be about... am I right? lol
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