Tiny_Hutch's forum posts
u kiddin me?toyota camry! and dont say it sux, its good, its fine for what i need, when i need it...(im freshman, can drive in about 1.5 years)BrendanBox39
i was joking, how you figure you gonna get an 08 camry coming out of your freshmen year. i have my eyes set on a '98 golf and even i think thats a little farsighted
A car plus 20,000 more dollars. (I can almost drive!)BrendanBox39
20,000 dollar car? man thats a real beater
you find a one hundred dollar bill on the ground. whats the first object if desire that comes to mind?
[QUOTE="HBKSuperfan"]no i said never compared the graphics. i am saying that it was not as good as i thought it would be. It doesn't matter how old it is. my favorite game of all time is super mario bros. so age doesn't matter. also i have wanted to play it since it came out but i always i had a PS2 so i couldn't have played it. The 360 is my first microsoft system.
What was great about the original Halo to me was how cool the weapons were, they really felt like they were there and made an impact on what you fired at, plus the sticky plasma gernade, the great combat, and the AI was pretty good at the time. Then there were vehicles that were not common then. The only real flaw in the game was similar level design and some endless repetitive parts to fend off that flood or whatever it was in some library level. But the graphics were decent and used bumpmaps for the first time on a console. And considering this was a launch game for the xbox, you can't judge it too hard. Maybe you should of bought the PC version.
I feel the exact same way.up untill halo the only ground breaking first person shooters where clones of eachother on the n64 generation(007). when halo met xbox luanch, it was with all new hardware and showed off alot of new first person shooter components. now if halo was never made we'd all be stuck with that petty health bar today and grendaes that stick would be the unknown. in soo many ways it was unlike any first person shooter anyone had played(partly becuase of the two analog controls) and how the story effected you. no it was not: this level you go toi this place to kill this guy, now this level you go here to blow up a train. maybe it was just me and i was in awed with the graphics( at the time!!) but i felt like i was discovering a whole new world and when you get blown out of a spaceship, onto a ring, recover marines, fight a battle in the iceland, creep around narrow halls of the inner ring,activate the flood, run away from the flood, destroy the ring, destroy the flood. I felt liek I had acomplished something. gears of war plain old dogfights never went that indepth apart from the cross a bridge here fight a booss there...o plus halo diddnt ahve a boos fight
if your not happy with halo, well you should be thankful for it becuase shoters today (namely gears of war) are taking from halo left right and center. what was wrong with halo 2 was when it came out there was no spark, everything that made halo 1 special had now been the bar which i really hope that get back by halo 3. given your biased opinion anyways, i feel like i just wasted time on this
darksector, Killzone 2, Starcraft 2, haze, and fallout 3.UltimateGamer95
the thread was labled most anticpated game,non plural... but for me it wouldve been halo 3 but it doesnt seem as impressive, although i know it will be when it ships, the grand theft auto trailers have been hyping me up the most.
does anyone know a good site to download regions, and is there anyway to download them without knowing how to zip them or even having a zip program?
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