Wow, Holiday Star just seems way too random. I think I preferred the original game. Out of curiosity, Danny, did you ever end up playing the secret route in Hatoful? It's a terrific story that pretty much screws with everything you saw in the rest of the game. It's also much less vague than this. But it's a little scary and make sure you're doing okay before you start it. ;)
Anyway, I'm happy for you that this is over. XD I wouldn't have been able to get through it!
Skyrim is a great example of this, even as vanilla. But if you buy it on PC, the modding pretty much never ends. Not for a good while, at least. The only thing holding you back nowadays is your computer specs.
I am a mature woman. I am a mature woman. I am- OH MY GOD THIS IS HILARIOUS AHAHAHA. *laughs through entire video* Should probably put a spoiler alert for Far Cry 3, though.
@Foreheadvcr @Blasterman4EVER Yes, I realized that while typing my reply, but for some reason never edited my post to reflect that. So feel free to disregard it. XD
And while I can sympathize, in the end it's just a common name. I don't see a need to get worked up over it.
@Blasterman4EVER Okay...thanks for the nice comment? From what I've heard, there are problems with saving people's data (among other things ofc) and so "cloud" seemed like a logical term to use instead of the broader "internet".
Or do you just dislike the term? In that case feel free to disregard my reply, I guess...
Hilarious voiceovers! Some of the best of recent episodes. <3
I do understand it when people are frustrated though. It's sad that apparently, even being able to anticipate this happening, isn't enough to stop it. I'm sure Rockstar did everything they could, but not everyone is going to acknowledge that with these kinds of problems. It's a real shame. I suppose cloud technology still has a long way to go...
Entertaining video again! You guys are starting to cover mods that interest me more compared to the videos you've done in the past.
I have an honest question though. Why all the obsession with Depth of Field? Personally I think it's totally unneccesary except for screenshots. My eyes do it already, so why do we need an extra layer on top of that for gameplay? It also doesn't help that artificial Depth of Field makes my head hurt, but I'm guessing that's notan issue for most players.
This is why my parents sometimes (and jokingly) tell me to work in the game industry or make a CoD. Lol. I mean, look at those figures! Alms for a poor gamer~
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