I agree, I couldn't care less about the specs of both consoles as long as they run well. Having said that... "It's all about having the best games and having the most impressive experiences" - Yes "and clearly Xbox One has the best games." - No
At least, in my opinion. I'm sure there are people who prefer the X1's exclusives, but I don't. Why do they think I do? Then again, I suppose it wouldn't make sense not to praise your own console. XD
@tomservo51 Sorry, I didn't think you would reply... I agree. Personally I think it's time people moved on from the misogyny subject, at least when posting on unrelated subjects.
They've been really strict after that whole thing and anything referring to that, even if not intended to be offensive like yours, is likely going to be deleted just to make that bad memory go away. I guess it's a case of a few nasty people spoiling it for the rest of us, eh?
@tomservo51 You did?! Wow, that's something I almost never see anywhere. My bad, then. Well, it didn't change the outcome anyway...pretty sure it would have been deleted by moderators if you hadn't.
I didn't buy KoA because it really didn't suit my taste at all, gameplay-wise, but I could tell it was a very solid game. I'm dearly hoping they won't let this IP rot.
That's too bad, but to be honest I've never minded playing at 30 FPS. yes, it's noticeable, but after a short while of play I get used to it pretty quickly. Of course, I'd rather have it on 60...especially considering this is next-gen we're talking about. Hoping that will improve for future games.
Edit: I just saw a misogyny comment get deleted faster than the speed of light. Good job mods! It was honestly pretty funny to see.
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