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Tireyo643 Blog

Well, Christmas break was good while it lasted!

I was never able find my GC Memory Card yet, so I haven''t been able to play Pikmin. I bought myself all three Rush Hour movies, and it was quite a deal! The Dark Knight is argueably the best Batman movie. And I'm starting school Monday. Yippie :(

The 120 GB Zune is absolutely awesome. There are these things called podcasts, and I've been watching game updates, news, and weather. It's cool that you can just about get any song you want for free when you subscribe to the service. You can't put it on CD though unless you buy the songs; however, you can play it on the Zune anytime. The service also gives you 10 free songs each month, and the service only costs 14.99 a month. I can store my picture and play games on it too! I'm still discovering what all the Zune has, and if anyone is looking for music, I highly recommend the Zune service. (I don't want to sound like I'm bragging, I'm just excited that I got such a nice present for Christmas, and I want to tell people what it does.)

Anyways, that's all I have to say for now.

A New Year and My 20th Birthday

Well, 2009 is here, and today, Jan. 2, is my 20th birthday. I hope that this is going to be a better year for everyone mentally, physically, and game-wise. This was a part of my New Year resolutions from last year, and I successfully did what I said I was going to do.

I feel bad sometimes because here I still play games at my advanced age, and I am told that I'm a little too old for games and Nintendo. But I'm a gamer, and nothing is going to change that. I've always been a Nintendo fan, and I'll remember its videogames for the rest of my life. Videogames are part of my childhood, and they will also be part of me as I advance into adulthood. Therefore, any comments, which might make me sad for only a moment, said to me about being too old to play videogames will not hurt me anymore, and I will ignore it. I'm not going to let it get to me anymore.

My resolutions for this year is shorter so here I go! 1. Succeed in studies 2. Find GC Memory Card 3. Find and make some new friends. 4. Stay on GS 5. Be happier

Have any of ya'll have had my problem? Well, it's another year, a new president era, and another year of getting older. Cheers to a potentially great New Year!

Expectations for the New Year, and my last review for 2008.

Well, 2008 is a year that has had its ups and downs, and its not been too bad for gaming. Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Super Mario Galaxy, and Mario Kart Wii are awesome games. Here's what I would like to see for 2009 in games!

1. New Zelda game

2. New F-Zero game

3. Improvements in quality in WiiWare games

4. Improvements on the number of games released.

5. New Super Monkey Ball game

6. New Pikmin Game

7. New Donkey Kong game. (Donkey Kong Country like and DK64 like)

8. New Sonic game that exceeds expectations.

9. Trial versions of games that Nintendo releases. (VC, WiiWare, Disc)

10. Improvements to the Wii menu. I would like it to where it enables you to customize the layout, color, and approach to select a design while everything still remains in good quality. It would be nice if they had an update that would allow you to do that.

Well, that's all folks!! See you next year!

To end the year, I've decided that my last review for 2008 is Tetrisphere for the N64. Go and check it out!

From Christmas Eve Hell to a Heavenly Christmas Day!

I've lost power on Christmas Eve twice. 400 people in my town lost power. It was so windy, it felt like a tornado was coming. Our power lines were down, and they had to put them back up. Well, the first one hit at 6 o'clock in the morning and the second one hit at 6 o'clock in the evening! The stupid power outage lasted for 1 hr. and 45 mins each. You know the thing about losing power is that it brings everyone together, so it was not too bad. I was just sleepy for the rest of the day.

The Christmas party I went to was so loud, I really couldn't hear myself think. I had a great time though! I won The Dark Knight in Chienese Christmas, and received 3 bouncy balls. I got alot of my presents early, so I didn't have a bad Christmas.

Early Presents:

1. Clothes

2. 120 GB Zune with a case.

3. Scrabble Diamond

4. Pikmin

5. Money

6. DS Lite (Blue and Black)

7. Yoshi's Island DS

8. Chocolates and all sorts of candies

9. Snoopy Ornament

10. New Trifold Wallet

11. And Winter Came CD by Enya

12. Wii Points Card

13. Connie Dover CD

14. A cooler holder thing that holds two can drinks and it has speakers.

15. Indy 4

16. Hellboy 2: The Golden Army

17. Cards

Stuff I gave people:

1. I made 25 discs for 25 different people.

2. 5 pins for 5 different people

3. 2 Willow Tree Ornaments for 1 person

4. 4 Boyds Bears for 4 different people

5. A necklace

6. Two purses (I had help picking it out for 2 very special people)

7. Indy 4: The Tale of the Crystal Skull for 2 different people.

8. Two homemade Videogame movies I made myself!

9. Toys movie for 1 person.

10. Connect 4

11. Bingo

12. Sorry

13. Dog bone

14. Dog toy

15. 2 Wallets

16. Cards

17. Santa's Outhouse. The Outhouse lights up, it vibrates, and Santa talks and farts.

That's all! Merry Christmas to everyone that I might of missed!

Another Article from AOL.

This is a very long blog, so be sure to have time to read it. This is an article that is on AOL, and they are telling parents on what they should do in order to control what kids play. What do you think about this?

Eight Real Video Game Dangers for Kids

Parents and politicians regularly blame video games for everything from childhood obesity to teen violence. While the science doesn't necessarily back that up -- here are eight real concerns about kids and games.

Video games -- it's the multi billion-dollar juggernaut that's rapidly taking over TV and film as the preferred form of entertainment for an entire generation. Like other 'new' forms of media, games often bear the blame for childhood obesity and teen violence. Science doesn't directly link gaming to one or the other, but parents should stay aware of these eight other real concerns about games.

They can make kids less active

Every year, multiple studies link video games to childhood obesity or talk about how new video games like Wii Fit and Wii Sports are getting kids off the couch and their heart pumping.

Fact is, obesity has never been directly linked to games, but many of the best-sellers keep kids planted firmly on the couch for hours at a time. Out of the top 10 best-selling games for 2008, eight out of 10 are the typical sit down and play kind of games.

A recent study also shows that tween boys and girls are spending 10-14 hours a week playing video games. Without proper motivation to get up and get moving, this can easily lead to kids spending many sedentary hours parked in front of the TV.

PlaySavvy Recommendation: Like anything, moderation is key. Video games, like movies and TV, can be part of a healthy child's life, but parents should set limits on play time and make sure they partake in other activities as well.

They can teach kids poor values

One of the biggest trends in big-name video games recently is the ability to choose to play as either good or evil. You can find this in popular games for the holiday season, such as Fable II, Fallout 3, Spore and more. The player can decide to take the 'good' path, which generally involves nobly helping characters in a game, or they can take the 'bad' path, which may include randomly killing characters in a game, stealing items and more. That's not to say that there aren't consequences for their bad actions in the game - but parents should also be on alert about games with a morality system.

PlaySavvy Recommendation: Learn about video game ratings and keep a close eye on what kind of games your kids are playing. Talk to your kids about violence and have a good idea what they can handle (and what they can't) in their video games (and other entertainment options).

They can be violent

Video games and violence usually go hand-in-hand when it comes to concerned parents and community leaders. While many video games avoid violence, a 2007 study found that games that are rated 'M' for Mature receive the highest scores from game critics and also sell the most copies in the U.S. Best selling games like Grand Theft Auto IV, Gears of War 2, Call of Duty all revolved around using weapons - everything from pistols to rocket launchers -- to kill enemy combatants, usually ending up with some form of bloodshed, or in more extreme cases (as in the popular game, Fallout 3), slow-mo decapitation.

PlaySavvy Recommendation: Learn about video game ratings and keep a close eye on what kind of games your kids are playing. Talk to your kids about violence and have a good idea what they can handle (and what they can't) in their video games (and other entertainment options).

They're expensive

It doesn't take a study to discover that video gaming isn't a cheap hobby. Video game systems can run upwards of $500, accessories cost from $30-$100 and new video games cost $60 a pop. That doesn't even include the money it costs to play these games in glorious high-definition on an HDTV. While there's always a way to save a few bucks -- buying used games, buying a refurbished game system, forego the high-definition TV - buying one console, an extra controller and a game can easily run $300-$600. Not exactly chump change during these tough economic times.

PlaySavvy Recommendation: Know what kind of financial commitment you're getting yourself into before promising your child a game system. You can also buy refurbished game systems, used games or older game systems to save money.

They introduce kids to topics that parents might not be ready to discuss

As formerly fringe entertainment morphs into the new and tantalizing standard, video games (which are usually slightly more conservative than watching nighttime TV programs) can create difficult conversation points between parents and their kids. Most often, the "death, dying, violence and mutilation" topics of video games stop parents dead in their tracks. Kids are curious about death from a young age and many don't have the level of comprehension to fathom what it means. While games rated as E (Everyone) don't delve into the topic, teen and mature games often do glamorize the end of a life as a revenge or reward for the killer. One the other hand, sexuality and nudity are still rare in most games, aside from the occasionally revealing outfit.

PlaySavvy Recommendation: Even if you're not ready to talk about sex, drugs, violence or death, we encourage you to formulate how you'd discuss each topic, before it comes up (and kids will eventually ask). Often, you'll be surprised that most young gamers do understand the difference between in-game events and real world activities.

They become a point of contention between siblings

Like many popular toys, video games can cause strife between siblings. One UK writer reports that she gave her four kids a Nintendo DS handheld gaming system, with the expectations that they would share the system nicely. Instead, she says the system turned her "delightful, curious and funny children into argumentative demons full of aggression." While this is most likely an extreme case of sibling warfare, it also shows how games can cause tension in a multi-child household.

PlaySavvy Recommendation: For a multiple child household, set boundaries and rules for using a video game system. Let the children choose specific times when they will be playing the system, provided their chores, homework and other goals are completed. Let them know that if they fight over the system, that their gaming privileges will be taken away until further notice (and make sure you do what you say.)

They're not as educational as you'd like them to be

While much is made of the educational value of games, from problem-solving to exploring real-world physics, let's be honest -- gaming is a form of entertainment, and won't take the place of a c-l-a-s-soom. Sure, adding up coins and achievement points might be considered simple math but it doesn't really encourage scholastic achievement.

Like movies, many games retell parts of history with a slant towards a more dramatic perspective. The result is a skewed version of the facts. Yet, no popular video game retells history accurately (although the Civilization series does make the topic more interesting). Edu-tainment software attempts to fill the gap but while parents love the concept, children might view it as "interactive homework."

PlaySavvy Recommendation: Education, as well as entertainment, offers a wealth of information, but it's up to the user to figure out what they'll gain from it. Often you'll find that kids do learn some pseudo real-world skills from games. For instance, a popular game like Pokemon teaches younger gamers how to share, is knee-deep with written on-screen instruction and players are encouraged to create battle strategies based on logic and deduction. Plus, remember all those anti-society dweebs who used to play Dungeons & Dragons? Most of them now run the hottest tech companies in the world.

They can be addictive

We don't have proof that all video games are addictive, but they can be for certain types of people. World of Warcraft, an online role playing game that can be played indefinitely, has been cited as one of the most addictive games on the market. Horror stories about players passing out from marathon-like gaming sessions, losing loved ones or just missing out on other activities can be found all across the Web. Just look at the thousands of posts on WoWDetox.com, where users are urged to explain why they quit playing the game. Hospitals and counseling centers across the globe have started to set up official 'computer addiction' services. In the U.S., those who think they have a problem can also sign up for Online Gamers Anonymous, a non-profit 12-step program originally started by a mom whose son committed suicide while playing a game online.

PlaySavvy Recommendation: Like many of the previous recommendations, parents should monitor the time their child spends playing a video games and take action if they suspect their child is 'addicted' to a game.

I think that there are some good points in this article, but I think that they tend to go over the top on a few things. Videogames may be an expensive hobby, but it's not like parents have their share of expensive hobbies too! Games don't have to be educational; we get enough as it is at school. Games can influence and be addictive, and for some it may not be the best thing for them to play; but, it should not be a punishment for those who know better. It's true on what they mean on less active, but Nintendo has taken that into consideration, and it helps people like me to be more active. Before Wii, I was 30 pounds heavier. Now, I weigh between 155 and 160 pounds, so they do have a point with the less activeness. This article is more for smaller children anyways, so hopefully to people or "kids" that are old enough to handle and understand such things won't be punished or judged. As a final thought, know your standards as a person, don't act out on what you play or see, and do something active every once in a while if you get such games where you sit down and play just to shut these critics up. Springer out!!

Where is the love this Christmas season?

It seems that Christmas is more dark this year. Stores are almost sold out of Christmas supplies, and people are not even putting up lights like they used to. It really sucks to know that our economy is bad. The gas went down, but the food stayed the same. These businesses are so used to money, and some are depending on the bailouts that are offered to them, they don't even care to help out the little man. So yet they claim it does! So far, we haven't really seen anything come out of the bailout, I don't understand why it's so important. The only thing I see good from the bailout is that it may prevent Wal-mart from establishing a monopoly! Otherwise I really don't know!! I just know that Christmas is not what it should be anymore, and it might not ever recover with the way things are going.

I also read an article that was on AOL news yesterday about a thing that can go into your eyes. It's supposed to help you see better and see different odd information about certain things. You might even see videogames in full vision if it comes out! The thing that scares me though is that there is this thing to where you can download information to your brain. That's scary to me, because you may even see on screen on what you are thinking! It literally freaks me out! I don't want to do that! What if the computer crashes during a download! Would you be brain dead? It's so weird, it's almost like mind control!

I really don't know what is going to happen within the next few years, but I have hope that everything is going to be alright. Everything does happen for a reason. Well, that's all I have to say today! Stay tuned, and I might have something for ya'll later! If you disagree with me on any of the information above, tell me because I really don't mind!! If I said something wrong, please correct me. I'm not perfect, and there is no sense on trying to be. Well this is long enough, so until next time K-mart Shoppers!

I love TV!! And a Pleasant Surprise!!

Here are 10 of my favorite TV shows. They are not in order.

•1. Avatar

•2. Rocko's Modern Life

•3. Charm School: With Sharon Osborne

•4. America's Got Talent

•5. Survivor

•6. Married With Children

•7. Trading Spouses

•8. Ghost Hunters

•9. Spongebob Squarepants - I'm crazy, so me and this guy should match

•10. Real Chance of Love

Well there you go! I like comedy, reality, and cartoons! This is quite a boring list, but I'm boring person!

Today, I have just got a pleasant surprise! It seems that I didn't realize how far I was in this certain game I have, and I just beat it today! I now say fair well to a legendary game called Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. I will always remember this game because it's just plain fun and great! I'm glad that I gave it a 9 in my review, and I will always remember this wonderful Mario game.

I have made a brand new Tetris Party review, so go and see it if you are considering on buying.

5 good and bad habits that I have.

The Bad:

1. I bite my nails.

2. I stop and stare at people if I like something of theirs.

3. I like to annoy people if I don't like them.

4. I talk too much if you get me started on something that I like or concerned about.

5. I forget where I put things.

The Good:

1. I have a genuine love for people in general.

2. I like to help people.

3. I like to laugh! Laughter is a healer.

4. I like to give and show good things to people.

5. I'm understanding and I listen to what people have to say. (If I'm in a happy mood. If I'm not in a good mood, then I have selective hearing.)

Well, There you go! I have been trying to insert a picture and I come across this.

Tag img may not have attribute title. Can someone help me with this problem?

More, More, More... (added comment.)

I'm done with my final exams!! Here are my top favorite TV Themes. I don't have any audio or videos for ya'll to watch, but most of you should know how to find music on Youtube and ect...

10. Price Is Right Theme

9. Charmed Theme

8. The A-Team Theme

7. Rocko's Modern Life Theme

6. Buffy The Vampire Slayer Theme

5. Green Acres Theme

4. House MD Theme- Teardrop

3. Charlie Brown Theme

2. Jeopardy Theme

1. Married With Children Theme- Love and Marriage

I also got one of my Christmas Presents early!! It's a 120 GB Zune!! It's totally awesome, and I've really enjoyed using it before Christmas!

I am having a problem with my Wii's memory storage, and I read an article on Wikipedia about the problem.

"At the Nintendo Fall Press Conference in October 2008, Satoru Iwata announced that Wii owners would have the option to download WiiWare and Virtual Console content directly onto an SD card. The option would offer an alternative to "address the console's insufficient memory storage". The feature will become available in Japan in the spring of 2009."

This makes me happy! I can finally display all my VC and WiiWare titles again. However, is this statement on Wikipedia true? I posted a message on an earlier blog (I've Upgraded My DS!) about what Nintendo sent me. Also, why is it that Japan always gets it first? What about everywhere or everyone else! I don't live in Japan!! Oh well, I guess we'll all get it eventually.

About DannyRice, 2 New Game Reviews, Mid-life Crysis, and More.

DannyRice has a new name, which is DMLSLAT. Please respond to his friend request if you know him or you want to get to know him. He will explain to you what went wrong. Please spread the news around to those who know him.

F-Zero GX and Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars are my first reviews since August! So, go and see what I said about them!

I going through a crysis! I hate viewing the world in black and white writing! I'm adding some color in my blogs!

I got a new banner! I have a thing for looking at pictures of swords. I do have purple on the corner but that is only because purple and gray are SNES colors.

I'm getting a new icon! When it uploads, it should be a picture of Hobbes, which is the tiger in the Calvin and Hobbes comic books. I grew up with these comics and they have a special sentimental value to me. I have all the paperbacks there are! I wish I had the complete hardback collection, which consists of 3 books, but they aren't any different from the content in the paperbacks, and I'm pretty much thankful that I got the whole series in paperback.

I added 3 new games to my "Owned Videogames" blog. They are Starfox Command DS, Sonic Rush Adventure, Yoshi's Island DS and Meteos. It's one of my older blogs and yes I do own the games I listed! Really!!!!