[QUOTE="Tjr41991"]Don't worry about watching pirated movies on your box, I do it ALL the time. As for andrew_xavier saying not to pirate anything you don't really need to be worried about getting caught unless you are a tard that uses The Pirate Bay and doesn't have something like peerguardian running. I mean seriously it's so easy to do and not get caught, you're probably more likely to get into a car accident on the way over to a store to buy a movie than you are to get caught pirating.Andrew_Xavier
I didn't say not to pirate anything because you'd get caught, I said not to pirate anything because you shouldn't. I mean, as "cool" as being a bottom feeding scum set thief may seem, it's a pretty useless life. Pirating movies really is theft, just like pirating video games, or stealing money from a gas station register, or holding a bank up, the only difference is, I bet you've ripped off more $$ in movies than a guy who holds up a convenience store, making you a far greater problem. If you feel a film isn't worth a rental or purchase, don't watch it. Simple. You aren't striking back against "the evil corporations" by stealing movies, ESPECIALLY indie films, just because the top 2% of movies make huge profits, doesn't mean they all do. The truth is, the only reason you steal movies/games, and don't mug people or rip off convenience stores is that you are too much of a coward to do it in reality, so, you hide behind your computer, feeling big while you rip people off. Sickening.
When I pirate a movie it is because it is not good enough for me to actually get in my car and spend 9 bucks on a movie ticket only to be completely dissapointed with the movie. That is why I in a way preview the movie by downloading it and seeing for myself wheter or not I like the movie. If I like it I will then go to the movies and pay my 9 dollars to see something that is truly worth it. If the movie sucks I don't go and watch it in the movies. So you see I am not stealing anything from the movie industry. How is me not going to a movie that I heard is crappy any different from me downloading it and seeing for myself if it is or not. If the movie is good I will go pay for it. If it sucks then obviously I wont go and spend money on something not deserving of it. So if I followed your advice and didn't watch it at all it would be no different then me pirating it because either way I'm not paying for it. Sorry for the late reply but I'm not on here too often anymore. One mroe thing, I actually just came from Iron Man in theatres. Only reason I saw it was because of the pirated version I DL'd and liked.
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