Don't come back. Some of the demands are reasonable (disclaimers) but this is clearly wrapped in an authoritarian mindset that would rather censor art and expression than be inclusive.
I'm glad they're using someone other than Hal, but there's a whole lot more to Alan than his sexual preference and I hope they don't make it the focal point of his character.
I don't think it's much of a laughing matter considering the insane amount of crimes against humanity these politicians have perpetuated, the Obama Administration included.
Cool, is it right next to Frank's island which happens to be a stone's throw away from Epstein's? Hopefully it has plenty of things for him to sniff and a mountain of crack for Hunter.
Ah yes, the CCP owned NBA while they protest systematic racism in the United States, the "people's republic" is committing genocide of uighur muslims and using child slave labor to sell their products.
ToadstoolPeach's comments