Pft. Black Friday isn't what it used to be. Now it's just an average sale day with a bunch of marketer hype built around it. Gone are the days where things are 75%-90% off.
What Sterling said was bigoted but it should have been stricken from the record. The person who recorded his exchange violated his rights and should suffer consequences for that.
Unfortunately we live in an era where both privacy and freedom of speech are in jeopardy thanks to social media, because speaking your mind can reflect upon your job and those you associate with. Big brother is watching, and it isn't just the government, it's nearly everyone.
14 months of Siege of Orgrimmar, one major content patch for Warlords of Draenor that actually had some content, and now possibly 10 month wait until Legion. So what happened to the "biggest development team we've ever had"?
Well geez, are there any surprises at all in store for Blizzcon this year? Not that the console versions of Overwatch weren't expected. And $60 for a Team Fortress 2 wannabe? Are they nuts?
ToadstoolPeach's comments