Wired: Does the device function if the Kinect is not attached?
Harrison: Kinect and Xbox One are one and the same. They are two parts of the equation. Obviously the Kinect sensor is used for Skype, for communication, for voice recognition, gesture and motion sensing and the rest.
Wired: So as an example, if your dog comes in and somehow it knocks the Kinect down and breaks it, would you still be able to use the box if there was a particular game which did not use the functions embedded into the Kinect?
Harrison: In that situation, I have no idea. [consults with assistant] What kind of dog is it?
Wired: The dog from the Call of Duty video you showed today. That one.
@danabo @Duninn2013 Listen, Single player games require online activation. That's a problem.
Another one, is that they basically confirmed what we suspected, the disk is an installation CD. For single player games, you might be able to re-sell your game, not sure about that yet.
But if you bought, say, Battlefield 4, you can't resell it. MP would require online activation. It didn't do so in the past.
And since he said " Single player games with online features" would be blocked too, that means that even if you only borrow or buy a game for the campaign, you still can't play it.
This isn't good, this is worse.
There is effectively no way to buy a used game unless it's one of the rare occasion where the game is COMPLETELY detached from the internet, a very rare sight today.
So what he's saying is, if you're not online, the console won't shut you out, but you'll be restricted in what you can do, even offline activities..
Also, notice how he didn't comment on what would happen if the kinect breaks despite not using it. He avoided it.
The more Microsoft talks, the bigger of a grave they dig.
@brownyyy @dogman12602 He;s not Unique at all, I wasted 3tb. Games aren't the only thing the system has, and MS seems to be intent on making your system contain more than just games.
And at a time ,I can play about 10 games at once. It's the only way to keep up.
Everytime I get a new game for my PS3 I have to delete a previous one I like and play, and then when I go back to playing said game, I have to delete another game and reinstall the current one, rinse and repeat....
TohouAsura's comments