@xblackdivine @TohouAsura Do point to where I said Forza was bad. It's just too much, We just got Horizon last year!
And before you say anything, I hated GT5. Piece of shit.
I'm just pointing out that when it comes to actual gaming, Microsoft has fallen from favour since the days of Freelancer and AoE. At least SONY's exclusives gave me a reason to come back to it.
Look at the games announced.. Another Forza (one named after Microsoft's most hated Operating System.. Ironic), FIFA and UFC news, more of the gimmicks no one likes (Smart Glass, IllumiRoom, Kinect), and deals with Automobile companies.
But oh please, do go on and tell me how wrong I am and that I am judging the console before it's reveal... I've seen more than enough to know Microsoft doesn't want better gaming, it wants to blend it with current trends.
@s0l1dsnake @TohouAsura @Hurvl I was talking about violent games though.
He clearly liked developing them, he worked at goddamn Rockstar and developed two cult scalssics, and claims he still loves these games and praises Rockstar's work.
sure, he found a middle ground, but why? There was no need.
@CincoToes @TohouAsura I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not, I merely pointed out the hypocracy when people say that.
I just think it's funny movies and books get away with that (Game of Thrones, anyone?), but games can't.
This is all part of the misconception that games are still aimed towards children. The very term of game, rather than simply used as a correct definition to what a video game is, the term is also subtly used to degrade gaming.
@Hurvl @TohouAsura I understand where he's comnig from, but to shoot yourself down because people can't accept doing what you love, that's just rubbish.
That's their problem, not yours. I guess if he didn't want to develop games bad enough if this was able to bring him down.
If you really care what your granny has to say and let that stop you from doing what you love, maybe it's best if you really do stay away from developing such games.
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