Heya. ;)
Today I went to uni to look at my results. I'm pleased to say that I've passed this year! :) I'm one happy bunny.
...On to my last year, I'm sure it'll provide me with plenty of challenges, eek!
See ya later.
Silver x
Heya. ;)
Today I went to uni to look at my results. I'm pleased to say that I've passed this year! :) I'm one happy bunny.
...On to my last year, I'm sure it'll provide me with plenty of challenges, eek!
See ya later.
Silver x
Hi guys!
An update on me...
I'm at university at the moment. Finished my second year a couple of months ago. I get my results tomorrow, eek. Hope I've done well (fingers crossed).
Been playing plenty, past the 40,000 mark on gamerscore on my xbox woop! I'm playing homefront, lego pirates of the caribbean and I've gone back to playing transformers war for cyberton as well. Can't wait until September comes, some great games should be appearing on the shelves.
Happy gaming :D
Well what can I say?...it's been a while, a good while in deed.
I suppose I haven't been on for so long as I have been busy doing this and that; playing many more games (possibly too many), studying for university (It's stressful..but passed my first year, just waiting for the second to do), been working too (also stressful :P) and spending time with my boyfriend.
Can I just say thanks for not deleting me from all of your friends lists, I'm surprised I still have a friends list ! :D hehe
I hope you are all well and you are all still playing plenty of games!!!!
Au Revoir,
Tomb_Raider07 :P 8)
Not long till Fable II now....hehehe I can't wait!! :D It's gonna be so cool.
Went kayaking last week with my college group, it was fun :) and going canoeing soon!
I am no longer single as well :D woop!! He's the best!! xxx
Got to sort out my Uni application :s ....not sure if I want to go though, but doing one anyway just in case.
My Xbox broke last night, :o it had one red ring :(, luckily though I went to Game where I got it from the same night and they gave me a new one over the counter! :D:D:D
And there ya go...some updates lol :P
I really really really can't wait for Tomb Raider Underworld to come out. The more I see of it, the more I want it. Mine, all mine mwahahahahaha :P :shock: :D
OMG. There are too many games that I want and they're all coming out at nearly the same time!!! lol. I'm not going to have any money left by the end of the year!!! My bank account will be officially dead lol.
Anyway, these are the games that I want and I can't wait for:
Tomb Raider Underworld: Wooooo!!!!!
Fable 2: Everything about it looks fantastic and it's a game that will last a lifetime.
Gears of war 2: The first was brill so this one is going to be even better!! Especially with the new multiplayer modes and coops.
Resident Evil 5: looks cool and mega gory lol
Silent Hill Homecoming: Liked the other silent hill games, very spooky.
Shaun white snowboarding: whenever that's coming out. liked SSX so hopefully this is going to be cool.
COD world at war: Looks awesome, looks like its gonna be better than COD4 without a doubt.
Brothers in arms hells highway: looks pretty cool. I'm liking how they are concentrating more on each soldier's life.
And yeah there are other games that I'm looking forward to lol but can't be bothered to write anymore.
What games are you lot saving up for? lol
Finally got xbox live!!! yay! well a 2 month membership. will be getting 1 year membership after though so...YAY!!!
short and sweet...
see ya
Heh heh...about the post i did a while back...you know, the one that goes on about the red rings of death and my dad's console not getting it. Well...I take that back, my dad's xbox 360 got the dreaded red rings of death earlier today and now we've got to send it back to Microsoft to get another one. GREAT...
Phew! All these essays I have to do, there's too many of them. But the good news is that I won't be getting any more of them when we reach the end of May, at least I should'nt be anyway. At the moment its just like the tutors have said 'here you go have all these essays, we can't be bothered to keep them anymore'. I tell ya, it's hard work! Ah well...
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