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Tomb_Raider07 Blog


Just lately I've been sick of mmorpgs...and you know why? It's because i can't find a decent one that's free. Now you may say the reason i can't find a good one is because i'm a cheapo and what do i expect from a FREE mmorpg?! Well there are plenty of good freebies out there but i'm having problems. It's annoying because I find one that looks brilliant but then it a) won't download properly or b) is actually absolutely terrible.

That reminds me of the last one i downloaded. Now i won't give any names as that would just be unfair but I thought it was going to be excellent. As i read about it: the story, gameplay, characters, etc. I thought 'wow, this is everything i've been looking for in an mmorpg.' However this was short lived...i downloaded and thought 'yes!' but then I couldn't get the updater to work...finally i found the solution and started the game. I set up a character and its details and got to the tutorial. So good so far. The tutorial was great and actually...was a lot better than the game itself. :( I got to the main game and thought 'now what do i do?' there were a few buildings in what i think was meant to be a town. The graphics weren't pretty and ...the other players? none existant. Well, I did find a few players in a 'shop' but interesting they were not. So i thought i'd go and find some creatures to kill. I found a rat, clicked on it. To my horror, it came up with "cannot kill this". Well something along those lines anymore. I was quite confused because I saw another player killing a different rat and this made me wonder why i couldn't do the same. So i decided to go exploring instead, running and running but not getting anywhere (well thats what it felt like). Still i couldn't find anymore players and wondered if in fact you were meant to explore this place. :| I finally came across some more creatures of which i could not kill but then...low and behold, i found a big spider that i could kill!! Well i say kill...seems as though it was too much of a high level for me! and you guessed it! it killed me. And that was when i clicked the logout button and uninstalled it, never to be played again.

So i have now found a decent mmorpg which is called FLYFF, i'm sure you've heard of it. I actually had given up hope at that point but this game lifted my spirits on mmorpgs and it is very fun! :lol: I'm afraid to say that it is not as good as Dofus...but it is still great and i have made some cool friends on it too. So...YAY!!! :P

And that my friends, is the end of my rant. I bet your thinking 'thank god for that!!!' lol. Sorry it's so long, i just had to get it off my chest lol.

xxxxx see ya! xxxxx

New Tomb Raider game

Yay! Tomb Raider Underworld is soon to be released (well not too soon of course) and I can't wait! I love Tomb Raider as you can probably tell...I'm going to get this one on Xbox 360 instead of the PSP...well now that I've got an Xbox 360 of my own. I didn't tell you about that did I? It goes like dad already has a 360 but I never got any chance to play on it so with me being loopy an' all I went to Game and brought myself a 360. (Why not? Everyone else in my situation would have) So now I can share my dad's games AND buy the games that I want. So everyone's happy...right? Of course! Except I ended up forking out £260 for it but hey it's worth it!! And wow it sure was.

Oh and about all of that red rings of death, I don't know what people are talking about, my dad's had his for over a year now and it's still works perfectly and mine is fine. So I don't know what everyone does to their Xbox 360's to make it like that...maybe they just play it to death?

Oh and the mad part of my spending spree on the 360 is that I brought it about 4 days after Christmas...


Heya everyone!! it's nearly christmas and i'm so excited! I have a huge christmas list comprising of things such as a laptop and PSP games and of course other things too. They are just the main ones that I want. I'd better get praying if I want them!:lol: Anyway I will be enjoying the whole of christmas and would like to wish everyone a very...

Merry Christmas!!!

...and a happy new year!

wow! I haven't blogged for ages!

I suppose this is because I've been waiting for my tomb raider: anniversary game(psp) to be delivered. It just kept getting set forward (the release date) and it annoyed me so badly but now it is finally out in the shops and it should be coming to my door on monday, so yay!! finally i can enjoy experiencing the origional tomb raider game again but with tons of improvements! *starts singing*

oh and at the moment i am playing shrek the third on the psp. (i got it as a present from my aunty.) it really funny and i have enjoyed playing it over and over again.

The next game i will be wanting is Zelda phantom hourglass, as it seems superb and i have never owned a Zelda game before or played on one. *don't kill me for that!* *looks guilty for never having a Zelda game*

Anyway see ya round...

Hey everyone! Long time no

Update: I brought new games!! yay! I've also ordered the new tomb raider anniversary on PSP, i should get it a few days after its release and i can't wait. It looks a lot better than Tomb raider legend and i love tomb raider games (as you can probably tell because of my name!) lol.

Anyway.... i've also ordered the new harry potter book and i should get that on the day that it is released. i admit, i am a little addicted to the harry potter movise and films but hey i can't help it.

So many things to do, so little time to do them lol.

I'm also still waiting for my GCSE exam results...:shock: i wonder what i got...

well see ya later!!! xxx

It's been a while...

Sorry I haven't been on for ages. :? I've had a lot of things to do lately and I have had a lot of things on my mind. GCSE's started last week. My first exam is on Tuesday-english literature. :( Can't wait...not. On top of this I got dumped by my boyfriend on Wednesday night by MSN...for virtually no reason as well. :cry: I'm sure I will live although I'm mega stressed. Why does all of this have to happen to me at the same unfair!

 Hmmm...I'm getting annoyed because I can't get a big image to go onto the area at the top of my profile section thingy. I have only managed to put a small picture of tomb raider on!! :( Can anyone help??

 If you could be bothered to read this then thanks.

...I'll just go sit in some corner for a while. :(:?:cry:

Happy Easter!!

I hope everyone is having a good easter and have had lots of chocolate eggs! (yum) I haven't had as many eggs as I usually get but I don't mind because I got a game as well. (yay!) 8)

Need more games!!

I really need some more games for my PSP. Can't decide what to buy though. Any ideas?? Also, I love Gears of War...such a good game!! Anyway, my dog has a lump near his eye, got to take him the vets tomorrow. Random of me to mention this I know but he's such a cool dog. I'm sure he'll be fine. 

a dalmation running

Loco Roco!! and other stuff...

Right...I'm just going to randomly talk about Loco Roco now. I love it, it's sooo addictive and psychedelic!! Awwww its sooo cute especially when the blobs start singing! lol. Anyway, moving on...I WANT A WII!!! Yes, I do mean the console. I'm not allowed to have it though cus my parents say that I'm clumsy and I'll probs break everything with the Wii remote. :( I suppose that means I'll have to have the PS3 then instead hehehe. (more money for them to spend) well it serves them right lol.
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