Just lately I've been sick of mmorpgs...and you know why? It's because i can't find a decent one that's free. Now you may say the reason i can't find a good one is because i'm a cheapo and what do i expect from a FREE mmorpg?! Well there are plenty of good freebies out there but i'm having problems. It's annoying because I find one that looks brilliant but then it a) won't download properly or b) is actually absolutely terrible.
That reminds me of the last one i downloaded. Now i won't give any names as that would just be unfair but I thought it was going to be excellent. As i read about it: the story, gameplay, characters, etc. I thought 'wow, this is everything i've been looking for in an mmorpg.' However this was short lived...i downloaded and thought 'yes!' but then I couldn't get the updater to work...finally i found the solution and started the game. I set up a character and its details and got to the tutorial. So good so far. The tutorial was great and actually...was a lot better than the game itself. :( I got to the main game and thought 'now what do i do?' there were a few buildings in what i think was meant to be a town. The graphics weren't pretty and ...the other players? none existant. Well, I did find a few players in a 'shop' but interesting they were not. So i thought i'd go and find some creatures to kill. I found a rat, clicked on it. To my horror, it came up with "cannot kill this". Well something along those lines anymore. I was quite confused because I saw another player killing a different rat and this made me wonder why i couldn't do the same. So i decided to go exploring instead, running and running but not getting anywhere (well thats what it felt like). Still i couldn't find anymore players and wondered if in fact you were meant to explore this place. :| I finally came across some more creatures of which i could not kill but then...low and behold, i found a big spider that i could kill!! Well i say kill...seems as though it was too much of a high level for me! and you guessed it! it killed me. And that was when i clicked the logout button and uninstalled it, never to be played again.
So i have now found a decent mmorpg which is called FLYFF, i'm sure you've heard of it. I actually had given up hope at that point but this game lifted my spirits on mmorpgs and it is very fun! :lol: I'm afraid to say that it is not as good as Dofus...but it is still great and i have made some cool friends on it too. So...YAY!!! :P
And that my friends, is the end of my rant. I bet your thinking 'thank god for that!!!' lol. Sorry it's so long, i just had to get it off my chest lol.
xxxxx see ya! xxxxx
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