Well, i payed well over £1000 for my rig, and that was a year ago, i need not upgrade it, for it plays the latest games very well, and for what it's worth, as others have said, you can't beat a keyboard and mouse. Another thing other people have mentioned are the online communities, one of the wonderous things that the internet has given us access to, but one community i can't seem to shake off, and haven't been able to for years is the Steam community.
While steam is a great app for gaming, it's also great for getting to know the people you play with. But anyway back to the PC! I love it, the limitless customisation, and especially the few and far between gaming experiences that some probably couldn't imagine playing on a console i.e Diablo II, Ultima Online, Far Cry, Warcraft, Stalker etc... I'm sure many people will agree that it is somewhat - thier own personal space.
So yes a PC is a great investment, providing you have the money to put into it when it needs an upgrade or whatnot, but some of the experiences it offers just simply can't be beaten - Not to say that consoles can't have the same effect! But i've been a PC gamer for years, and it's something thats probably contributed into making me who i am today.
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