Tomoto1989's forum posts
God damn n00bs! Stop posting your computers specs just so you can show off when you damn well know you can run it. You are not a true PC gamer if you can't even tell if you can run something. Do some damn research. I'm so tired off the "Can I run Crysis with C2DE, 10 GBS of RAM, with my 60 inch monitor, oh yeah and my $400 case."WickaWireX
Ok first off stoping being a jerk. This guy never said he was som super uber L33T "True PC gamer". Maybe he isnt so good with computers. Maybe he doesnt know what the requirpents are supposed to be. Im sure this guy isnt trying to show off his rig he just wants an honost anser. Obviosly you came in here just to bash. If you were such a "true gamer" you wouldnt have a lever 7 in this forum. You may be sick of people posting there specs, well im sure people are sick of people like you fliping out over a simple question. Thats what these forums are for.
record gameing video off the tv onto my computer?
Can i run that game and/or WoW on this till i get my graphics card? Thanks for the help :D
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