Tony_aaaa's forum posts
As far as living up to its "real-time" trailer claim, I'd say Killzone will be Sony's Vietnam.
Good luck winning that war Sony.
A CPU has nothing to do with graphics. That is A.I. and Physics, draw distance, number of objects, etc.
A CPU by itself cannot output graphics. Period. It would need video ram.
A speedier CPU does help speed up connections between system memory, hd, bluray/dvd, and the video card. It also helps with file decompression (there is no compression on bluray, as far as I know--and there shouldn't be any), sound threads, and other individual processes.
This is why I consider the notion that the cell could achieve graphics alone as ludicrous.
Wrong--sort of.... Cell's SPEs are used to make up/leverage several RSX deficencies For example almost all titles are using 1 to do backface culling (really simplifed: telling the GPU not to render parts of things the viewer can't see) The Cell's SPEs are most definetly part of it's graphics system.
That said, the original post left out a bunch of stuff that determines graphics potential---memory bandwith being the most glaring one.
Also FYI, all formats (DVD Blue-ray, etc, use compression)
I do agree that the 360 does have some serious advantages in graphics, but not for the reason 1st posted/claimed. PS3 games suffer (compared to developing 360 software) from memory problems, not fillrate ones.
[QUOTE="mmirza23"]show me where they said all of the dl content isnt avaliable because of less ram, ign said it might be available later in the playstation store, they even stated the ps3 version has sharper textures and graphics, so if the ps3 version is full of jaggies to you, god knows how bad it is on 360.mwa
go to did a whole thing on how PS3's Oblivion is being downgraded because PS3 has less RAM than the 360
That's true, the PS3 really only has 416MB of memory available to games (the OS reservers a 64MB block of Ram + 32MB VRAM that games aren't allowed to access 512-96=416 )
Oblivion aside, the topic was:
Well, it CAN match the 360 if the developer spends more time on the PS3 version and fails to optimise 360 code.
But, Xenos > RSX. No contest. More shaders, more availiable memory, massive difference in bandwith. If the same amount of effort is put into the graphics optimizations of a cross-platform title, the Xenos (360) one will always look better than RSX.
If you own both systems, (from a GRAPHICS point of view) you're probably going to want the 360 version of any cross-platform title 95% of the time. Obviously, there will be a few cases where the PS3 version is better. But it is alot like the PS2 vs Xbox graphics situation.
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