Both Virtua Tennis World Tour, and Virtua Tennis 3 are almost identical but I think the latter has better minigames. However, I dont really like Virtua Tennis, the slice and topspin shots have absolutely no purpose and the physics are broken.
PSP all the way. Defenitely. I owned a DS and frankly the only games worth playing were N.Super Mario, Mario Kart and Advance wars. Dont get me wrong, the DS is a great system but the games nowadays seem to be too babyish for my liking. Nontheless, if you are a Pokemon fan, keep it, otherwise sell it as I cant see it being anymore interesting in the future. The PSP is a whole different story. However due to the fact that 90 % of PSP games are 3-D, the lack of a second analog stick hurts a lot for a people with slow fingers (like me :)). But mate, the games are absolutely astonishing. I would recommend playing either Burnout Dominator (for fast arcade action packed racing), MGS - PO (amazing graphics, fantastic gameplay and online, great storyline) or Tekken DR (awesome visuals, lives upto and excels other Tekken games, great for owning your friends :D). There are also great games coming out soon, MHF2 (action RPG) sounds very, very promising, and of course, as everyone knows FF7 - CC (RPG) a promising boost to the PSPs popularity. In terms of gaming, both consoles are different. PSP has cutting edge technology and the DS has a touch screen. However, laid back gamers like me :D dont use the touch screen when I dont have to (this is true, everyone will agree that using the D-pad and action buttons is more comfortable than holding the console in one hand and touching things with the other). It also depends on how much dough you got. A PSP is 150 quid, while a DS lite is 100 quid. All I can say is if you get a DS, you'll probably get bored after 4 months.
Nice pic ^^^^^ chacas. :D For me, it would have to be either a proper analog stick (the one that rolls around not slides around) or a silent UMD reader. Yep.
LOL. Sounds like your really stuck for choice. Its really up to you mate. If you like wandering around killing beasts with mediaval type weapons, collecting herbs and stuff get MHF. If you like sneaking around behind enemy lines, headshotting enemies silently, love online play, desperate for a good story get MGS - PO. Seriously Im not biased, MHF has no story whatsoever and only ad hoc play (which is quite fun). Its all upto you. If you cant decide, save up money and get both :D.
I'd recommend PSP Video express. Its far better than PSP Video 9 as it allow you to tweak video, audio detail. Link :- Its freeware and has no limitations.
True true. I would recommend MGS - PO over Socom as it was an exhilirating feel to it although stupid people still exist. I mean come on man, imagine, creeping around building on tip toes, AK 47 in hand, not knowing when someone might just pop out from the corner, there also tiptoeing. Everything is silent. :D It has amazing multiplayer, matchmaking etc. and teamwork works well for the most part. Its so awesome. You knock on the wall, an enemy hears it, your friend covers you while you run down the hallway, the enemy runs and comes round the corner where youve left a mine. Your friend and you back off. KABOOOOOOM!!! Its soo f*ck*ng cool man. Buy it. it has amazing single player too.
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